The University of Washington is a great place to study Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and many related technology fields! There is a wealth of relevant majors: Computer Science and Computer Engineering offered by the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering (we're glad you're here!), Informatics, Human Centered Design & Engineering, Applied & Computational Mathematical Sciences, Electrical Engineering, and more!
As you launch into your time at UW, it's important to recognize that many students discover a new academic passion during their first year - they indicate preference for one major on their UW application, but an exciting introductory course in another field causes them to reconsider. This is healthy! Students who come to UW intending to major in a field other than Computer Science or Computer Engineering sometimes take our introductory course, discover that they love the field and have a flair for it, and become our majors. Students who come to UW intending to major in Computer Science or Computer Engineering sometimes discover that another major - for example, Informatics or Human Centered Design & Engineering - is better suited to their interests. Don't feel constrained - explore the breadth and depth of the University of Washington!
As with many other programs at UW, the Paul G. Allen School is capacity-constrained: the number of interested students significantly exceeds the number of student places that are available. (We can't expand arbitrarily. Providing a world-class Computer Science or Computer Engineering education requires appropriate class sizes, laboratory facilities, faculty, etc.). Below you will learn about the different admissions pathways to get into the Allen School.
Most students enter through our Direct to Major Admission pathway from high school, or Transfer Admission from another university or college, about 25-30% of our students apply after coming to UW and discovering a passion for Computer Science or Computer Engineering. This section contains detailed information for each of the following:
The Allen School currently is able to enroll roughly 630 new students each year. This includes all admission pathways, and both Computer Science and Computer Engineering.