How to Use Window Load and Document Ready Functions

How to Use Window Load and Document Ready Functions

The window load and document ready functions in JavaScript are essential for executing code when a web page finishes loading. These functions ensure that the necessary resources, such as images and stylesheets, are fully loaded before executing the code. In this answer, we will explore how to use these functions effectively in the context of jQuery.

Window Load Function

The window load function is triggered when all the resources on a web page, including images, scripts, and stylesheets, have finished loading. This function is useful when you need to perform actions that rely on the complete loading of the page.

To use the window load function in jQuery, you can use the following syntax:

$(window).on('load', function() < // Your code here >);

In this example, the code inside the function will be executed once all the resources have loaded. This is particularly useful when you need to manipulate elements that require the complete loading of the page, such as resizing images or calculating the dimensions of elements that depend on images.