Ask a sales pro if they want to do some cold calling, and you’ll likely get some form of, “Do I have to?” For many, the idea of calling a stranger out of the blue isn’t so appealing. But mastering the art of the cold call can spell sales success, and it doesn’t have to be painful.
This guide will explain the nuts and bolts of cold calling, including my favorite frameworks for approaching calls and some script templates you can start practicing with right now. I’ll also explore the importance of preparing yourself, both mentally and physically, to get the most out of every cold calling session.
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A cold call is an unscheduled phone call made to a potential customer you’ve never interacted with before. That prospective customer is identified typically based on online research designed to find individuals or businesses that match a company’s buyer persona.
Far from just a sales pitch, cold calling is about exploration and connection. It’s an opportunity to introduce your product or service to a prospect who might not yet be aware of how it could benefit their business.
The purpose of a cold call is almost always to book a meeting, not to sell anything right off the bat. But that’s not the only reason to pick up the phone. Think of cold calling like shaking hands with a new acquaintance. Once the connection is made, you can learn a lot from the person on the other end of the line. Here’s how:
Nobody likes rejection, and cold calling can mean a lot of “No’s.” But I like to dive in with some perspective. If I know that only 5-10% of my calls are likely to yield immediate results, it’s easier to accept a few “No’s” in a row and keep going. It frees me up mentally to keep “smiling and dialing.” And persistence can pay off down the road – I’ve made cold calls that didn’t result in a second call until two years later.
Sales is fiercely competitive, and in many ways, cold calling is a lot like playing a sport. You can’t just walk onto the field during the Super Bowl and expect to win. If you want to succeed, you have to prepare yourself mentally and physically before game time. That means doing your research, creating a game plan, and putting time in on the practice field so you’re ready to execute when kickoff time comes.
Let’s break down the elements that can turn a routine cold call into the beginning of a new relationship with a prospect: