Conduct and Complaints

The Board Code of Conduct Policy sets out standards of business conduct including ensuring the interests of patients remains paramount at all times, that all staff are impartial and honest in the conduct of their business and that public funds are used to the best advantage of the service. The Fraud policy is also contained within this document.

The Whistleblowing Policy is also contained within this document and can be accessed by staff to raise a qualifying disclosure under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998. This Policy is available to all staff, including full-time, part-time, temporary, as well as agency and bank workers and ex-staff of NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde.

All staff have a responsibility to protect patients from risk of harm posed by another colleague’s conduct, performance or health by taking immediate steps to ensure their concerns are dealt with or raised for appropriate investigation. The Board promotes a culture in which staff can raise concerns openly and safely.

Top Tips on the policy….

1. If a member of staff has a concern about patient safety, malpractice, misconduct, wrongdoing or serious risk at work, they are encouraged to raise these with their Line Manager in the first instance. This may be done verbally or in writing.

  1. If a member of staff feels unable to raise the matter with their Line Manager or does not think that this would effectively address the concern, or where this action has been tried but has not led to action that addresses the action or addresses it within a reasonable period of time for whatever reason, they should then raise the matter with a designated list of Senior Managers who have been trained to deal with any issues from staff raised under the Whistleblowing arrangements. These Directors are named within the policy.
  2. If Steps One and Two have been followed and the member of staff still has concerns, or if they feel that the matter is so serious that they cannot discuss it with any of the above, they should contact the nominated Non Executive Member (or deputy) of the NHS Board – Contact Details via – Tel No. 0141 201 4633.

4. A National Alert Line has been established to provide an additional level of support to staff who wish to raise a concern about practices within NHS Scotland. Public Concern At Work will receive staff’s calls and will offer free, confidential advice on how best to take forward any concerns. Contact Public Concern At Work on Freephone – 0800 008 6112.


Whistleblowing Policy

From 1 April 2021, the new National Whistleblowing Standards were implemented and formed the Once for Scotland Whistleblowing Policy.