The Old Testament: An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible , 2nd Edition
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Designed for students undertaking their first systematic study of the Hebrew Bible, this text has two goals: to acquaint readers with the content and major themes of the biblical documents, and to introduce them to issues in biblical scholarship. Pedagogically rich and reader-friendly, this text was designed for conventional introductory courses using historical-critical methodology, and will also be useful in courses studying the Bible as literature, or as a reference text in the study of ancient religion.
Part I: The Hebrew Bible: An Overview
1. The Hebrew Bible: A Composite Portrait of God and the Divine-Human Relationship
2. The Process of Formation: The Transmission, Canonization, and Translation of the Hebrew Bible
Part II: The Biblical World: Culture and Religion
3. The Ancient Near East: The Environment that Produced the Bible
4. The Land and Archaeology of Ancient Israel: Historical Origins of the Covenant People
5. The God of Israel: An Evolving Portrait
Part III: The Torah
6. Who Wrote the "Books of Moses"?
7. The Five Books of Torah (Divine Instruction)
8. In the Beginning: The Book of Genesis
9. Freedom and Responsibility: The Book of Exodus
10. Regulating the Divine-Human Bond: The Books of Leviticus and Numbers
11. A Mosaic Legacy: The Book of Deuteronomy
Part IV: The Prophets (Nevi'im) I
12. Introduction to the Deuteronomistic History
13. The Book of Joshua
14. YHWH's Warriors: The Book of Judges
15. The Birth of the Monarchy: The Books of 1 and 2 Samuel
16. Parallel Stories of Israel and Judah: The Books of 1 and 2 Kings
Part V: The Prophets (Nevi'im) II
17. The Nature and Function of Israelite Prophecy: Spokespersons for God
18. Prophets to the Northern Kingdom: The Books of Amos and Hosea
19. The Assyrian Crisis: Isaiah of Jerusalem, Micah, Zephaniah, and Nahum
20. The Babylonian Threat: The Books of Jeremiah, Habakkuk, and Obadiah
21. Prophets in Exile: The Book of Ezekiel and Second Isaiah
22. After the Exile: Israel's Last Prophets--Haggai, Zechariah, Third Isaiah, Joel, Malachi, and Jonah
Part VI: The Writings (Kethuvim)
23. Introduction to the Writings: Reevaluating Israel's Life with God
24. The Postexilic Readjustment: The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah
25. Worshiping at the Second Temple: Hebrew Poetry and the Book of Psalms
26. Israel's Wisdom Writers: The Books of Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes
27. Four Books of the Megillot (Festival Scrolls): Ruth, Lamentations, Songs of Songs, and Esther
28. Reinterpreting Israel's History: The Books of 1 and 2 Chronicles
29. Keeping Torah in a Hostile World: The Diaspora, the Maccabean Revolt, Apocalyptism, and the Visions of Daniel
Part VII: Additions to the Hebrew Bible: The Deuterocanonical and Extracanonical Books
30. The "Second Canon": Books of the Apocrypha
31. The Pseudepigrapha: Noncanonical Writings of the Late Biblical Period
32. From the Maccabees to Jesus of Nazareth: Victory, Defeat, and teh Emergence of Postbiblical Judaism and Early Christianity
Glossary of Major Old Testament Characters, Terms, and Concepts
Selected Bibliography
About the Author
Stephen Harris
Stephen L. Harris is Professor Emeritus of Humanities and Religious Studies at California State University, Sacramento, where he served ten years as department chair. A Woodrow Wilson Fellow, he received his M.A. and Ph.D. from Cornell University. A member of the Society of Biblical Literature, his publications include Understanding the Bible (8th edition, 2011); The Old Testament: An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible (with Robert Platzner); Classical Mythology: Images and Insights (with Gloria Platzner); Exploring the Bible; and Fire Mountains of the West: The Cascade and Mono Lake Volcanoes, a survey of volcanic hazards on the U.S. Pacific Coast; and for National Geographic Books, Restless Earth, a study of global earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. He contributed the chapter on “Archaeology and Volcanism” to the Encyclopedia of Volcanoes (Academic Press, 2000).
Robert Platzner