Tips for Use

On the base of the gauge there is an engraved loft and lie measurement for each golf club. Every loft measurement is represented as ‘0' degrees on the loft scale for each club.

For example, if you are measuring a Pitching Wedge and the scale reading is ‘0' degrees on the loft, then your club is correctly sitting at 48 degrees of loft. If you wish to go 2 degrees strong, then your club will be measuring 46 degrees and if you wish to go 2 degrees weak, then your club will be measuring 50' degrees. See (Figure 4)

Remember - the standard loft setting for each club is represented by the "0". Each line moving toward the strong side represents a more upright or stronger angle. Each line moving toward the weak side represents a more slanted or weaker angle of the club. DOWNLOAD PDF MANUAL

Operating instructions

Before adjusting any clubs it is important to familiarize yourself with the complete operation of the Loft & Lie Machine.


Set the gauge to the proper club position by removing the brass head pin and inserting the pin into the proper hole – 5 for 5 iron, 6 for 6 iron, etc. (Figure 1)


Unscrew the toe stop, moving it away from the toe of the club.


Make sure the club face is clean and free of nicks. Set the top jaw pin in the left or right hole location per club. Place the club head on the fixed bottom jaw. (Figure 2)


Using the large vertical T-handle, lower the top brass jaw until it rests on top of the club blade, gently securing the club.


Adjust the club so the gauge horizontal straight edge is parallel to the club face score lines. (Figure 2)


Adjust the toe stop so it rests firmly on the toe of the club. (Figure 2)


Now - tighten the T-handle firmly. If the club is not firmly clamped down – your club will slip when you begin the bending process. Don’t be afraid to clamp down firmly – you won’t break the gauge.