(ii) is regularly scheduled for a period of three (3) months or less for a specific job.

Casual Employees shall be entitled to all benefits and rights in accordance with both the Benefit
Plan Documents and the Collective Agreement.

1.03 “Classification” shall refer to each level or levels of positions within an occupational group.

1.04 “Date Of Employment” shall mean the date the Employee last commenced employment with the Saskatchewan Health Authority or its Affiliates.

1.05 “Day” shall mean the twenty-four (24) hour period calculated from the time the Employee commences work.

1.06 “Demotion” shall mean the movement of an Employee from one classification to another classification having a lower rate of pay.

1.07 “Employee(s)” shall mean Employees covered by this Agreement.

1.08 “Employer” shall mean the Saskatchewan Health Authority or an Affiliate covered by this Agreement which may be amended from time to time through voluntary recognition or by an Order of the Labour Relations Board.

1.09 “EMS” shall mean emergency medical services where Emergency Medical Technicians, Emergency Medical Technicians – Advanced, Paramedics and Emergency Medical Dispatchers are employed.

1.10 “Fiscal Year” shall mean the period between April 1 and March 31 of each year.

1.11 “Full-Time Employee” shall mean an Employee who is regularly scheduled to work the hours of work defined in Article 15.01.

1.12 “Immediate Supervisor” shall mean the individual to whom the Employee reports and from whom the Employee takes instructions.

1.13 “Occupational Group” shall mean a profession represented by Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan.

1.14 “Part-Time Employee” shall mean an Employee who works less than the standard hours of work of a full-time Employee, as defined in Article 15.01, on a regular basis.

1.15 “Parties” shall mean:

(1) Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan, and

(2) The Saskatchewan Health Authority and its Affiliates.

1.16 “Position” shall refer to a specific set of responsibilities and duties within a classification.

1.17 “Promotion” shall mean the movement of an Employee from one classification to another classification having a higher rate of pay.

1.18 “Reclassification” means a substantive bona fide change to any or all of the following (a) through (c) for any existing classification/position:

(a) Job duties and responsibilities;

(b) Experiential requirement for the classification/position;

(c) Educational qualification required for the classification/position.

1.19 “Saskatchewan Health Authority” shall mean the Saskatchewan Health Authority as constituted by the Province, and for the application of this agreement shall include a Regional Health Authority, Health District or any predecessor or successor administrative body as constituted by the Province.

1.20 “SAHO” shall mean the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Inc. In the event SAHO is no longer the Designated Employers’ Organization, references to ‘SAHO’ in this collective agreement will apply to the newly legislatively designated organization(s).

1.21 “SHEPP” shall mean the Saskatchewan Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan.

1.22 “Standby” shall mean any period during which an Employee is not on regular duty, but must be available to respond without undue delay to a request to return to duty.

1.23 “Temporary Employee” is one who is hired on a temporary basis for a full-time or part-time position:

(i) for a specific job of more than three (3) months and less than one (1) year or;

(ii) to replace a full-time or part-time Employee who is on an approved leave of absence for a period in excess of three months; or

(iii) to replace a full-time or part-time Employee who is on a leave due to illness or injury where the Employee on leave has indicated to the Employer that the duration of such leave will be in excess of three (3) months.

Temporary Employees shall be entitled to all benefits and rights in accordance with both the Benefit Plan Documents and Collective Agreement. Upon termination of the temporary position, the Employee’s status will be determined by Article 21.03 of this Agreement.

1.24 The personal pronouns “he”, “she”, “him”, “her”, “his” or “hers”, as used in this Agreement shall be construed as referring to individuals of either gender.

1.25 “Transfer” shall mean the voluntary movement of a qualified Employee from one position to another position in the same or different classification with the same rate of pay.

1.26 “Union” shall mean the Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan.

1.27 “Week” shall mean the period between midnight Saturday and midnight on the immediately following Saturday.

1.28 “Weekend” shall mean the period between 0001 hours Saturday and 0700 hours Monday.

1.29 “3sHealth” Health Shared Services Saskatchewan is an organization which, in partnership with the Saskatchewan Health Authority, its Affiliates and the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, develops, implements and administers shared services for the Health sector.


This Collective Bargaining Agreement shall apply to those Employees represented by the union pursuant to an Order of the Labour Relations Board, unless mutually agreed otherwise by the union and Employer.

Where the Employer creates a new position which might reasonably fall within the scope of this bargaining unit or makes changes to the description of a position that may affect the inclusion or exclusion of the position within the scope of this agreement, the Employer will inform the union.


3.01 Recognition

SAHO and the Employers recognize the union as the sole bargaining agent for all Employees within the scope of this Collective Bargaining Agreement.

SAHO and the Employers agree to negotiate with the union and its designated representatives in all matters affecting the relationship between the Employers and their Employees relating to conditions of employment, rates of pay, hours of work and other working conditions including the means of settling disputes and grievances.

3.02 No Individual Agreements

No Employee shall be required or permitted to make a written or verbal agreement with an Employer representative that may conflict with the terms of this Collective Bargaining Agreement.

3.03 Union/Employer Organization Information

(a) The Employer shall provide copies of up-to-date organizational charts to the union.

(b) The union shall provide the Employer with an up-to-date list of Union Representatives and Officers.

3.04 Correspondence

The Employer and the Union recognize the need for effective correspondence. As such, either party may provide, in writing, their communication process(es) to be utilized when correspondence is required between the parties.


4.01 Union Membership

Every new Employee shall, within thirty (30) days, apply for and maintain membership in the union as a condition of employment. The Employer shall provide new Employees with a copy of the Collective Agreement at the beginning of their employment. The Employer shall have all newly hired Employees complete the HSAS Membership Registration form, maintain a copy for their records and forward the completed and signed original to the Union.

Every Employee who is a member of the union shall maintain membership in the union as a condition of employment. In those special circumstances where an Employee is not required to maintain membership in the union, that Employee shall, as a condition of employment, pay to the union the dues required to be paid by members.

4.02 Dues Check-Off

The Employer shall deduct initiation fees, assessments and monthly dues from the wages of each Employee covered by this agreement. Deductions shall be made no later than the last pay period each month and shall be remitted to the provincial HSAS office within two (2) weeks after the deductions have been made or on the 15th of the following month.

When remitting dues, the Employer shall also provide the following information in an excel spreadsheet format or any other mutually agreed upon format:

4.03 Change In Dues

The union shall notify the Employer in writing, of changes to the initiation fees, assessments and monthly dues not less than thirty (30) days before the effective date.

4.04 Dues Payments While Assigned To An Out-Of-Scope Position

A union member temporarily assigned to an out-of-scope position will have dues deducted from regular earnings received while temporarily filling the out-of-scope position. The Union shall be notified in writing of such appointments within seven (7) calendar days.

4.05 Orientation Of New Members

During a newly hired Employee’s orientation period, a union appointed representative shall be provided up to a maximum of thirty (30) minutes, plus necessary travel time, from her regular shift of duty without loss of pay (to a combined maximum of four (4) hours of pay) in order to introduce the union to the Employee.

Notice shall be sent to the Union in advance of any orientation sessions covered by this article including the date, time, and location of each orientation session. The Employer will provide a list of HSAS Employees scheduled to be in attendance at these orientation sessions a minimum of seven (7) calendar days in advance.


The Employer and the union agree that, subject to bona fide occupational requirements and/or any exemptions or other orders granted by the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission, there shall be no discrimination, interference, restriction or coercion exercised or practiced with respect to any Employee in the matter of hiring, wage rates, training, upgrading, promotion, transfer, lay-off, recall, discipline, classification, discharge or otherwise by reason of disability, age, race, creed, colour, ancestry, national origin, political or religious affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family status, receipt of public assistance, nor by reason of membership or activity in the Union.


HSAS, SAHO and Employers understand that Aboriginal persons are significantly under-represented in the health care labour force and that additional actions are needed to promote and facilitate employment of Aboriginal persons in health care occupations at all levels. It is therefore mutually agreed that HSAS, SAHO and Employers will work in cooperation to:

(a) Encourage the incorporation of provisions into the collective agreement that promote fairness and equity for all current and future Employees;

(b) Develop action plans and programs that:

– Foster mutual respect, trust, fairness, open communication and understanding;

Focus on recruiting, training and career development of Aboriginal workers;

– Identify workplace barriers that may be discouraging or preventing Aboriginal workers from entering and remaining in the workforce;

– Facilitate constructive race and cultural relations;

(c) Promote and publicize initiatives undertaken to encourage, facilitate and support the development of a representative workforce;

(d) Implement educational opportunities for all Employees to deal with misconceptions and dispel myths about Aboriginal peoples. This will include enhanced orientation sessions for new Employees to ensure a better understanding of respectful work practices to achieve a harassment free environment.


The union acknowledges that it is the right of the Employer to manage its operation and to direct the work force. Management rights are subject to the terms of the Collective Agreement.


8.01 No Discipline Without Cause

No Employee shall be disciplined or discharged except for just cause.

8.02 Progressive Discipline

Progressive discipline will be used in dealing with Employees whose conduct is not satisfactory.

8.03 Right To Union Representation

In all cases where the Employer considers the Employee’s conduct warrants disciplinary action, the Employee will be afforded the opportunity of having a union representative in attendance.

8.04 Disciplinary Documentation

Any written disciplinary documentation presented to the Employee will also be copied to the Union.

Written documentation of disciplinary action shall be removed from the Employee’s personnel file after two years, or after three years in the event of suspension, provided there has been no further documented events of the same or similar nature during that two or three year period.

8.05 Discipline and Professional Association

Where an Employee is disciplined and the Employer decides to report the matter to the professional association, it may only do so at the time that discipline is being imposed.


The Employer and the union are desirous of maintaining positive relations and of encouraging a professional relationship between Employees and the Employer. The parties agree to attempt to resolve differences between them in an amicable way and, as much as possible, without recourse to the decision of any third party. They will endeavor to seek solutions that will be of mutual benefit to Employees and the Employer.

In an effort to resolve issues between the parties the Union may request documentation from the Employer relevant to resolving the issues being discussed. Documentation falling under this article shall not be unreasonably requested nor denied.

9.01 Informal Discussion

It is the desire of the parties hereto that differences or disputes of Employees be addressed as quickly as possible. Employees or the union may refer such differences or disputes to the immediate out-of-scope supervisor concerned as soon as possible upon cause of complaint and, in any case, within twenty-one (21) calendar days. The Employee is entitled to be accompanied by a Union Representative. The immediate out-of-scope supervisor shall give a decision verbally within fourteen (14) calendar days. If the immediate out-of-scope supervisor’s response is not satisfactory to the employee or to the union, the union may submit a grievance in writing, in accordance with Article 9.06 – Grievance Procedure.

9.02 Grievance Defined

(a) A grievance means any difference or dispute between the Employer and any Employee(s), or the union.

(b) Where a dispute involves a question of general application or interpretation of the Collective Agreement, the Employer or the union may submit the dispute directly to the other party in writing, for formal resolution according to Article 9.06.

9.03 Union/Employer Representation

The union shall notify the Employer, in writing, of the names of the Union Representatives and of any changes made therein.

The Employer will advise the union in writing of the Employer representative(s) designated to receive grievances and any changes made therein.

9.04 Permission To Leave Work

The Employer agrees that the grievor and Union Representative may leave assigned duties temporarily in order to discuss matters related to a grievance. The grievor and Union Representative shall request permission of their supervisor(s) and suitable arrangements shall be made by the supervisor(s) prior to the Employees leaving. Neither the grievor nor Union Representative shall suffer any loss of pay for the time so spent.

9.05 Expedited Grievance

Where a dispute involves the discharge of an Employee, the union may immediately submit the grievance, in writing, according to the Grievance Procedure in Article 9.06.

9.06 Grievance Procedure

If the decision of the immediate out-of-scope supervisor is not satisfactory to the Employee or to the union, the union may within fourteen (14) calendar days, refer the grievance, in writing, to the next level of management, with a copy to Human Resources. That manager shall discuss the grievance with the Union Representative and shall render a written decision within fourteen (14) calendar days of receiving the grievance.

9.07 Alternate Dispute Resolution

The parties may agree to resolve the grievance through means such as mediation or expedited arbitration.

9.08 Arbitration

Failing satisfactory settlement of the grievance by the Employer Designate or alternate dispute resolution process, the matter may be referred to Arbitration in accordance with the applicable provisions of The Saskatchewan Employment Act. In any grievance, the parties may agree to refer the matter to a single arbitrator. The Arbitration Board shall submit copies of any decision or award to the Employer, the union and the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations.

If the grievance is not referred to Arbitration as therein provided, or to an alternate dispute resolution process, within twenty-eight (28) calendar days of receipt of the decision of the Employer Designate, the grievance shall be deemed to have been settled.

9.09 Time Limits

Failure on the part of any Supervisor or Employer Designate to reply within prescribed time limits, shall give the union the right to proceed to the next step. The time limits set out above may be extended by mutual agreement.

9.10 Final And Binding – No Work Stoppage

The decision of the Arbitration Board shall be final and binding on the parties, and there will be no stoppage of work because of the grievance. The Arbitration Board shall not have the power to add to, subtract from, or amend any of the provisions of this Agreement.


10.01 Seniority Defined

(a) Seniority means the number of hours worked, exclusive of overtime, and all hours as set out in Article 10.02 that an Employee has accumulated while working

from the last date the Employee commenced employment with the Saskatchewan Health Authority and/or its Affiliates. Seniority

shall not apply during the probationary period, however, once the probationary period has been completed, seniority shall be credited from the last date of employment.

(b) In addition to Article 10.01(a), Employees on standby shall be credited with seniority as follows:

(i) all call in/back hours.

(ii) Hours on Standby = Hours of Seniority

The crediting of standby hours shall occur monthly on dates identified as the payroll month end. Employees utilizing seniority during a calendar month, as permitted under the collective agreement, shall have access to standby hours credited up to the previous month end.

(c) In no case shall an Employee accumulate annual seniority in excess of full-time hours for that classification as determined in Article 15 and taking into consideration the following:

(i) All Employees who were Full-Time and active for the entire seniority year and have more than 1900 seniority hours will be topped up to 1948.8 (with the exception of EMS Employees)

(ii) All Employees will have their seniority capped at 1948.8 hours for the seniority year (with the exception of EMS Employees).

(iii) All EMS Employees will be able to earn up to 2184 seniority hours for the seniority year. EMS Employees’ seniority hours will be capped at 2184.

10.02 Accrual Of Seniority

Seniority shall accrue during:

(a) the first one hundred and nineteen (119) calendar days of sick leave including time on E.I. sick benefit or
Income Replacement Benefits under the Automobile Insurance Act;

(b) unpaid leaves of absence up to and including one hundred and sixty-eight (168) work hours in a calendar year;

(c) hours absent while receiving benefits from the Worker’s Compensation Board;

(d) temporary positions, out-of-scope of any union, with the Employer not to exceed twelve (12) months unless extended by mutual agreement with the union;

(e) bereavement leave, pressing necessity leave, family leave, medical care leave;

(f) jury duty and court service;

(g) vacation leave;

(h) leave for elected Public Office;

(j) all maternity/paternity/adoption/parental leave;

(k) education leave up to twenty-four (24) months.

(l) Long-term disability or Income Replacement Benefits under the Automobile Insurance Act.

(m) If an Employee’s hours of work are reduced due to a disability, full-time Employees shall maintain their pre- disability accrual rate.

Other than full-time Employees shall accrue seniority as follows:

(i) For those who have worked one (1) year or more:

Paid Hours in Previous 52 Weeks = Seniority Hours Per Week of Leave

(ii) For other than full-time Employees who have worked for less than one (1) year:

Paid Hours = Seniority Hours Per Week Leave
Number of Weeks of Employment

10.03 Maintenance Of Seniority

Seniority shall be maintained, but not accrue, during:

(a) period of lay-off in excess of one month;

(b) suspension for discipline;

(c) unpaid leaves of absence over one hundred and sixty-eight (168) work hours in a calendar year;

(d) the probationary period in a permanent out-of-scope position.

(e) temporary positions in other bargaining units with the Employer not to exceed twelve (12) months unless extended by mutual agreement with the union.

(f) Employees shall have the ability to transfer seniority in accordance with Article 28 PORTABILITY OF BENEFITS AND SENIORITY.

10.04 Loss Of Seniority

An Employee shall lose all seniority if she:

(a) terminates employment with all Employers;

(b) is discharged for just cause;

(c) fails to return to work immediately following the termination of a leave of absence or within fourteen (14) days from receipt of notification by the Employer to return to work following a lay-off, unless in either case the Employee can show a justifiable reason for failure to report to work;

(d) is on lay-off from all Employers for more than three (3) years;

(e) is a casual Employee and has not worked for a period of two hundred and seventy-four (274) calendar days exclusive of approved leaves of absence, sick leave, WCB, or DIP;

(f) fills any position not within the scope of this agreement on a temporary basis exceeding 12 months, unless mutually agreed otherwise between the Union and Employer;

(g) works exclusively in a permanent out-of-scope position and successfully completes the probationary period.

For (a) to (e) loss of seniority shall result in the termination of an Employee.

10.05 Seniority List

The Employer shall maintain a seniority list showing the date upon which each Employee’s service last commenced and including total seniority hours up to and including the Saturday in which December 31 falls each year, as calculated in Article 10.01. An up-to-date seniority list shall be posted in places accessible to all Employees by February 1st of each year, with a copy to the union. The seniority list shall be open for correction for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of posting. Correction requests shall be limited to seniority accrual for the previous 12 months and will follow these parameters:

1. Correction requests should come in writing and contain reasons for the request. The correction request shall be sent to the attention of the appropriate Human Resources representative who will ensure that a copy of each request received is provided to the Union.

2. Correction requests will be limited to the calculation of seniority within positions covered by the current HSAS/SAHO Collective Agreement and the following:

(a) Disputes about the calculation of seniority where a full-time Employee had full-time employment status for the entire seniority year and was not credited with full-time seniority;

(b) Matters arising out of the portability of seniority;

(c) Matters arising out of the calculation of seniority in general;

(d) Matters which had previously been brought to the attention of the Union and are still in abeyance.

3. In the event that a correction request requires further investigation, input, or may fall outside of the general parameters above, before a decision can take place, the Union and the Employer agree to appoint individuals with a mandate to discuss and attempt to resolve the seniority issue prior to moving to the grievance process.


11.01 A. Leave Of Absence Without Pay

(a) Insofar as the regular operation of the Employer allows, a leave of absence without pay shall be granted to the Employee provided the Employee furnishes reasons for requiring such leave. Where the total consecutive months of leave would exceed twenty-four (24) months, the leave shall be granted only in exceptional circumstances.

(b) A leave of absence for the purpose of alternate employment outside of the Saskatchewan Health Authority and its Affiliates shall be at the sole discretion of the Employer.

(c) On completion of the leave of absence, the Employee shall return to the same worksite, same salary level and same or comparable position held prior to taking such leave.

B. Return from Sick Leave, Long Term Disability or Workers’ Compensation

Except for circumstances where Article 12.11 Duty to Accommodate is applicable, an Employee returning from sick leave, long term disability or Workers’ Compensation shall return to the same worksite, same salary level and same or comparable position held prior to taking such leave.

11.02 Request For Leave Of Absence

Employees are encouraged to submit requests for leave of absence as early as possible. Except in extenuating circumstances:

(a) All requests for leave of absence of seven (7) calendar days or less shall be submitted at least seven (7) days in advance.

(b) All requests for leave of absence of more than seven (7) calendar days shall be submitted at least twenty-eight (28) days in advance.

(i) Requests to extend the length of leave shall be submitted at least twenty-eight (28) days in advance of the previously agreed upon date of return.

(ii) Requests to reduce the length of leave shall be submitted at least twenty-eight (28) days in advance of the new date of return.

Requests shall include dates of commencement and return. The Employer shall provide the Employee with a written response within 3 calendar days of the request if LOA is for less than seven (7) days and within fourteen (14) calendar days of the request if the LOA is greater than seven (7) days. Whenever a request is denied, the written response must include reasons for the leave of absence being denied.

11.03 Leave Without Pay Exceeding 30 Days

When leave of absence without pay is for thirty one (31) consecutive calendar days or more, no sick leave credits or annual vacation credits will be accumulated for the entire period of absence and a new increment date will be established, except in the instances of maternity, adoption and parental leave, where the Employee shall maintain her increment date for up to twelve (12) months while on Leave. For other than full-time Employees, their increment date shall be maintained on a pro rata basis calculated on their paid hours over the previous fifty-two (52) weeks, or length of employment if less than fifty-two (52) weeks.

Prior to commencement of the leave, the Employer shall inform Employees of their options to continue Group Life Insurance and Disability Income Plan coverage during their leave.

11.04 Pressing Necessity

An Employee shall be granted leave without pay for pressing necessity. Pressing necessity shall be defined as a sudden or unusual occurrence that could not, by the exercise of reasonable judgement, have been foreseen by the Employee and which requires the immediate attention of the Employee.

The Employee may elect to use any entitlement to time off such as vacation, public holiday or earned time.

11.05 Bereavement Leave

Upon request, on the death of a family member, as herein defined, an Employee shall be granted bereavement leave with pay from scheduled work. Leave shall be available between the date of death and two days after the funeral, except where bereavement responsibilities require their attendance on a day outside this period, as follows:

(a) Up to four (4) working days in the event of the death of the spouse (opposite or same sex, married or unmarried couples), fiancé, mother, father, brother, sister, son or daughter, grandparent, grandchild or someone with whom they have an equivalent relationship.

(b) Up to two (2) days in the event of the death of a father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, or daughter-in-law, grandparent-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew or someone with whom they have an equivalent relationship.

(c) Employees who have to travel five hundred (500) kilometers or more one way to attend a funeral or other family responsibilities related to 11.05 (a) and (b) shall be granted an additional two (2) days off without loss of pay.

(d) Insofar as the regular operation of the Employer will permit, up to four (4) hours to attend the funeral of a co-worker.

In addition, the Employee shall be entitled to vacation, earned time or unpaid leave of absence as may be required for this purpose.

11.06 Family Leave

(a) Family leave is intended to provide the necessary time to attend to the needs of individuals for whom the Employee has a duty of care. Upon request, Employees shall be granted family leave with pay. Employees are required to provide the Employer with notification of leave requirements as early as possible after determining the need.

In the event that there are not sufficient family leave credits earned at the time of a request, Employees may also request vacation, earned time or unpaid leave of absence as may be required for this purpose.

(b) Full-time Employees shall earn family leave credits at the rate of one third (1/3) day per month [2.66 hours] to a maximum of five (5) days [40 hours]. Other than full-time Employees shall earn family leave credits, prorated based on paid hours.
Probationary Employees will not have access to family leave credits. Subsequent to successful completion of probation, Employees will be credited with family leave credits earned during probation.

(c) Employees shall have timely access to information regarding their accumulated family leave credits.

11.07 Medical Care Leave

An Employee who is unable to make the necessary arrangements for maintenance of personal health care outside of scheduled work time, shall be granted time off with pay. Such time off shall not exceed sixteen (16) working hours per calendar year. Hours in excess of sixteen (16) hours per calendar year shall be deducted from the Employee’s sick leave accumulation.

11.08 Service Leave

On request, Employees with four or more years of service may, on one occasion only per fiscal year, be granted up to four (4) weeks unpaid leave of absence without loss of benefits.

11.09 Educational Leave Of Absence

(a) Participation in educational programs is encouraged by the Employer. Upon the request of an Employee, the Employer may grant leave, with or without pay, to attend training and/or education. If the educational event occurs on an Employee’s day off, the Employer may grant equivalent time off with pay. Tuition costs, registration fees, or expenses incurred may be paid by the Employer.

(b) When the Employer requires and requests the attendance of an Employee at a conference or workshop, or similar educational session, normal salary and benefits shall be continued. When attendance is required on days off, Employees shall be entitled to equivalent time off with pay. In addition, all registration or tuition fees and reasonable and substantiated expenses related to the session shall be paid by the Employer.

(c) In addition to the provisions of 11.09 (b), EMS Employees:

(i) attending education as required by the Saskatchewan College of Paramedics shall be paid their straight time hourly rate to a maximum of eight (8) hours for each education day or time spent, whichever is less;

(ii) successfully completing the following certification and re-certification programs, ACLS, ITLS, CPR, PALS and EMD and any other specific certification and re-certification programs deemed mandatory by the Employer will be reimbursed for tuition costs.

(d) The Employee’s increment date will not change as a consequence of the first twenty-four (24) months of an educational leave of absence.

(e) Where operational considerations and client care are not adversely impacted, an Employee may request to change her daily hours of work in order to attend ongoing educational classes. If approved, the Employee shall not be eligible for any premiums or premium pay she would not have otherwise been entitled to.

11.10 Leave For Union Business

The parties agree that Employees require leave from time to time in order to conduct the business of the union. Upon request, including appropriate notice as identified below and except under exceptional circumstances (eg: Acts of God, Disasters, etc.) Executive Council members, Board of Governors, Finance Committee members, and Negotiating Committee members, shall be granted leave of absence for union business.

Other members requesting union leave will not be denied provided the leave does not unreasonably interfere with the operational requirements of the Employer.

Except under extenuating circumstances:

– any request for such leave will be made at least 72 hours in advance;

– for a leave in excess of 14 days, the Employee will give at least 14 days prior notice;

– where leave is for regularly scheduled meetings, the Employee will notify the Employer as soon as she is aware of the dates.

(a) The Employer agrees to continue to pay normal salary and benefits to the Employees allocated on a short term basis of thirty one (31) calendar days or less to attend to union business and that the Employer is to charge the union for reimbursement of the cost. Such costs shall only include:

(i) Actual lost wages;

(ii) Employer’s share of Canada Pension contributions;

(iii) Employer’s share of Employment Insurance premiums;

(iv) Employer’s share of SHEPP contributions or equivalent;

(v) Employer’s share of Group Insurance premiums;

(vi) Employer’s share of Disability Income contributions;

(vii) Workers’ Compensation premiums; and

(viii) Employer’s share of Extended Health and Enhanced Dental Premiums

(b) On leaves of absence of more than thirty one (31) calendar days, and at the request of the union, the Employer agrees to pay normal salary and benefits to an Employee, and will charge the union, in addition to those costs set forth above, an appropriate amount for the following benefits:

(i) annual vacation;

(iii) public holiday; and

(iv) core dental plan premiums.

11.11 Maternity/Parental/Adoption Leave

An Employee who is expecting the birth or adoption of a child shall be entitled to maternity/parental/adoption leave without pay, provided she presents a medical certificate confirming the probable date of birth, or in the case of adoption, gives the Employer notice of eligibility. Except in extenuating circumstances, the notice shall be submitted in writing at least twenty-eight (28) days in advance of the leave and shall specify the probable date of commencement and the anticipated length of leave.

The following conditions shall apply:

(a) Leave of Absence for maternity/parental/adoption shall be for up to eighteen (18) months as requested by the Employee, except in extenuating circumstances when, in the opinion of a medical practitioner, the leave should be further extended.

(b) Upon return from such leave, the Employee will resume employment at the same worksite, in the same or in a comparable position prior to the granting of such leave. In the event the Employee on Maternity/Parental/Adoption Leave is affected by lay off, she shall be afforded access to the provisions of Article 26, Layoff And Work Resumption.

(c) Notice of intention to return to work or request for a change of the length of the leave of absence, must be forwarded to the Employer twenty-eight (28) days prior to the expiration of the leave. The Employee shall be entitled to one (1) extension of said leave. However, the entire length of such leave of absence shall not exceed eighteen (18) months.

(d) An Employee shall have access to sick leave credits as per Article 12.07.

(e) Accrual of seniority when on such leave is calculated as follows:

(i) For full-time Employees, seniority shall accrue as if they were working.

(ii) For other than full-time Employees who have worked for one (1) year or more:

Paid Hours in Previous 52 Weeks = Seniority Hours Per Week of Leave

(iii) For other than full-time Employees who have worked for less than one (1) year:

Paid Hours = Seniority Hours Per Week of Leave
Number of Weeks of Employment

(f) Supplemental Employment Insurance

Maternity/Parental/Adoption Supplemental Employment Benefit (SEB)

The Employer will implement a Supplemental Employment Benefits Plan. Employees will receive the Supplementary Employment Benefits if they meet eligibility requirements.

Maternity/Parental/Adoption Supplemental Employment Benefit (SEB) shall apply to all Employees.

“Eligible Employee” shall mean an Employee who has completed at least thirteen (13) weeks of employment prior to commencing her/his maternity and/or parental/adoption leave, and who is in receipt of Employment Insurance maternity or parental/adoption benefits.

Maternity Supplemental Employment Benefits

An Employee, who is in receipt of Employment Insurance (EI) maternity benefits pursuant to the “Employment Insurance Act”, shall be paid a SEB that is equivalent to the difference between the gross weekly EI benefit the Employee is eligible to receive and seventy-five (75%) of the Employee’s regular weekly rate of pay. This SEB payment shall commence following completion of the one (1) week EI waiting period and upon submitted proof of receipt of EI benefits. The SEB payment shall continue while the Employee is in receipt of the EI maternity benefits for a maximum of fifteen (15) weeks.

The Employer will pay seventy-five percent (75%) of the Employee’s regular weekly rate of pay for the one (1) week waiting period required for maternity benefits under the Employment Insurance Act.

Parental/Adoption Supplemental Employment Benefits

An Employee, who is in receipt of the Employment Insurance (EI) parental/adoption benefits pursuant to the “Employment Insurance Act”, shall be paid a SEB that is equivalent to the difference between the gross weekly EI benefit the Employee is eligible to receive and seventy-five (75%) of the Employee’s regular weekly rate of pay. This SEB payment shall commence following completion of any required one (1) week EI waiting period and upon submitted proof of receipt of EI benefits. The SEB payment shall continue while the Employee is in receipt of EI parental/adoption benefits for a maximum of ten (10) weeks.

If a one (1) week waiting period is required for parental/adoption benefits under the Employment Insurance Act, the Employer will pay seventy-five (75%) of the Employee’s regular weekly rate of pay for this waiting period.
In instances where two Employees share the paternity/adoption leave and both are in receipt of EI parental/adoption benefits, both Employees shall be eligible for the SEB to a maximum of ten (10) weeks each.

SEB Payment Calculation

Salary changes with an effective date during the leave will not result in an adjustment to the SEB payment.

11.12 Parental Leave

(a) An Employee shall be granted unpaid parental leave, as provided for by the Employment Insurance Act, upon providing the Employer with at least twenty-eight (28) days notice.

(b) Upon return from such leave, the Employee will resume employment at the same worksite, in the same or comparable position and at the same range of pay occupied prior to the granting of such leave.

(c) The Employee shall give the Employer twenty-eight (28) days written notice of intention to return to work or to change the length of leave.

(d) Accrual of seniority when on such leave shall be in accordance with Article 11.11 (e).

11.13 Deferred Salary Plan

A Deferred Salary Plan represents a special measure toward the shared goal of enhancing the retention and recruitment of professional staff to Saskatchewan’s Health Care system. HSAS will have the right to request the Saskatchewan Health Authority and its Affiliates to permit their interested HSAS Employees to participate in the Plan with or without minor changes to the wording of the Plan as mutually agreed. Failing mutual agreement on the wording of the Plan either HSAS, the Saskatchewan Health Authority or its Affiliates may appeal to a third party for a final and binding decision on the wording of the Plan. Failure to reach agreement on the name of a third party will allow a request by either party to the Minister of Labour to appoint same.

In so far as the operation of the Employer allows, participation by HSAS members in the Plan will not be unreasonably denied.

For a template of a Deferred Salary Leave Plan see Appendix C.

11.14 Compassionate Care Leave

Employees shall be granted a leave of absence without pay to ensure that they have access to the Federal Compassionate Care Benefit program.

11.15 Interpersonal Violence Leave

The parties recognize that employees sometimes face situations of interpersonal violence in their personal life. Upon notification to the Employer, employees shall be entitled to a paid leave for a maximum of forty (40) hours and an unpaid leave for a maximum of a further forty (40) hours for Interpersonal Violence Leave as provided for in the Interpersonal Violence Leave in the Saskatchewan Employment Act (SEA), Section 2-56.1. Employees will ensure the Employer is notified as soon as possible as to the expected duration of the leave. Upon written notification to the Employer, an employee may request time off in lieu or vacation to maintain income while on the unpaid portion of the leave. After eighty (80) hours, an employee may request to use other applicable leave provisions as per the Collective Agreement.


12.01 Definition Of Sick Leave

Sick leave means the period of time an Employee is absent from work because of disability due to illness or injury not covered by Workers’ Compensation.

12.02 Reporting Of Absence

An Employee who will be absent from duty as a result of sickness or disability shall notify her immediate supervisor or designate as soon as possible prior to the commencement of her scheduled shift. By failing to do so, except in extenuating circumstances, the Employee shall be considered absent without leave and the Employer may make a deduction in pay for the time which expires between the time the Employee should have reported for work and the time at which the Employee reported their sickness or disability.

12.03 Certification Of Illness/Disability

The Employer reserves the right to request a medical certificate in respect of absence due to illness or disability. This certificate shall be requested prior to or during such illness or disability.

12.04 Accumulation Of Sick Leave Credits

Full-time Employees shall accumulate sick leave credits at the rate of one and one half (1 ½) days per month worked up to a maximum of one hundred and ninety (190) days. Other than full-time Employees shall earn sick leave credits on a pro rata basis.

Employees who currently have in excess of one hundred and ninety (190) days in their sick leave bank will be permitted to maintain their balance, but not accrue credits. If their sick leave bank drops below one hundred and ninety (190) days in the future, the Employee will be eligible to accrue credits again up to the established maximum of one hundred and ninety (190) days.

All new Employees to the bargaining unit will be given an advance of five (5) days [forty (40) hours] of sick leave credits.

12.05 Deductions From Sick Leave Credits

(a) For full-time Employees, a deduction shall be made from accumulated sick leave credits for all normal working hours (exclusive of Public Holidays) absent for sick leave.

(b) Part-time Employees shall have access to accrued sick leave credits during the posted and confirmed period for shifts scheduled prior to becoming ill. Outside the posted and confirmed period, access to accrued sick leave credits will be based on their letter of appointment or the average number of paid hours in the fifty two (52) weeks preceding the illness, whichever is greater.

(c) Casual Employees shall have access to accrued sick leave credits during the posted and confirmed period for shifts scheduled, prior to becoming ill. Outside the posted and confirmed period, a casual Employee who remains unable to work due to illness shall have access to sick leave credits based on the average number of paid hours in the fifty two (52) weeks preceding the illness, or since date of hire, whichever is less, provided the Employee has worked a minimum of 780 hours during that period.

(d) Casual EMS Employees shall have access to accrued sick leave credits during the posted and confirmed period for shifts scheduled. In addition, a casual EMS Employee who remains unable to work due to illness shall have access to accrued sick leave credits based on the average number of paid hours in the fifty two (52) weeks preceding the illness, or since date of hire, whichever is less.

(e) For periods of disability due to illness or injury, pursuant to article 12.01, which are expected to continue past the one hundred nineteenth (119th) calendar day, an Employee must apply for long term disability, regardless of the amount of sick leave remaining in their sick leave bank. Employees shall only have access to their sick leave credits after the one hundred nineteenth (119th) calendar day where the employee has submitted an application for long term disability and is awaiting a decision on that application. If an employee is approved for long term disability coverage, there will be no reduction of sick leave benefits already received, and any balance of sick leave credits at the time of approval will remain to the Employee’s credit until she returns to regular work or is no longer receiving long term disability coverage. If an employee is denied long term disability coverage or is later removed from long term disability coverage pursuant to Appendix B or the terms of the long term disability plan, they shall have access to their sick leave benefits pursuant to Article 12.

12.06 Pay-Out Of Unused Sick Leave Credits

Employees who have entitlements to payout of unexpended sick leave credits under the terms of previous collective bargaining agreements will retain that entitlement. The details of this provision are outlined in Letter of Understanding #3.

12.07 Sick Leave And Pregnancy

Employees shall have access to sick leave credits for illness which may arise during pregnancy while the Employee continues active duty with the Employer. In addition, sick leave for valid health related reasons related to the pregnancy and substantiated by a medical certificate shall be granted for the actual period of illness during the maternity leave.

12.08 Sick Leave Committee

The Union agrees to appoint representation on a review committee that may be established by the Employer to address sick leave.

12.09 Addictions

The Employer recognizes that alcohol and drug dependencies are illnesses. In the event a performance issue arises and an Employee identifies to her Employer that she is suffering from an alcohol and/or drug dependency, such Employee shall be afforded the opportunity to seek treatment. The Employee shall have access to sick leave, and where requested, shall provide confirmation of participation in an appropriate treatment plan.

12.10 Graduated Return to Work

(a) When an Employee is able to return to the workplace on any type of graduated return to work program, the Employer, the union representative and the Employee shall, prior to the Employee returning to work, meet to identify the details surrounding the Employee’s return to work.

(b) If the only restriction to the returning Employee is the requirement for modified hours of work, the Employee may return to work prior to a meeting taking place as outlined in 12.10 (a) upon mutual agreement in writing between the Union and the Employer.

12.11 Duty to Accommodate

The Employer and the Union acknowledge their duty to accommodate Employees with disabilities. Where an Employee notifies the Employer she is able to return to work, verified by a medical certificate, the Employer and the Employee shall meet to identify the accommodations required including re-training for that Employee, prior to the Employee returning to work. The Union representative shall be present during discussions.

12.12 Automobile Accident Insurance Act Benefit Coverage

Sick leave credits will not be paid where an Employee is in receipt of income replacement benefits under The Automobile Accident Insurance Act, except that any difference between such benefits and the Employee’s regular net pay shall be paid to the Employee from the Employee’s accumulated sick leave credits, provided that credits are available for use, for a period not to exceed one (1) year from the date of the accident.

For the purposes of maintaining and accessing Employee benefits, in accordance with the terms of the Plans, the Employer shall forward the appropriate application forms and shall ensure that such completed forms are submitted to 3sHealth.


13.01 Annual Vacation

All Employees shall be entitled to:

(a) time off for annual vacations of 3, 4, 5 or 6 weeks dependent upon the Employee’s continuous employment;

(b) vacation pay calculated in accordance with Articles 13.07 and 13.08.

13.02 Vacation Year

“Vacation Year” means the twelve (12) month period commencing on the first (1st) day of April in each calendar year and concluding on the thirty first (31st) day of March of the following calendar year.

13.03 Continuous Employment

“Continuous Employment” means employment at any work location with the Saskatchewan Health Authority and/or its Affiliates, unbroken by a termination from all employment.

13.04 Posting Vacation Credits

Projected accumulated vacation credits for Employees shall be posted by February 1st of each year and will be subject to verification in accordance with vacation credit entitlement determined on the vacation cut-off day of March 31st of each year.

13.05 Vacation Selection

(a) Annual vacation shall be regulated on a mutually agreed basis within the workplace. In cases of disagreement, seniority shall govern in the Employee’s first selection of an unbroken period of vacation. However, when annual vacations are split, seniority shall only govern in that first selection as indicated by the employee. In order for an Employee to exercise her rights she must make her vacation selection by March 1 of each year.

(b) Vacation requests submitted subsequent to the annual vacation selection shall be granted, insofar as the operational needs of the Employer permit, on a first come first serve basis. If denied, written reasons shall be provided within ten (10) days of receiving the request or prior to the requested vacation, whichever is earlier.

(c) Employees shall be entitled to receive vacation as it is earned during each vacation year.

(d) Employees shall be entitled to receive vacation in an unbroken period.

(e) Other-than-full-time Employees shall provide their Employer, at the time of vacation selection, the calendar day that they will be available to return to work.

13.06 Posting Vacation Schedules

The Employer shall post a vacation schedule for each workplace no later than March 15th of each year. Once posted, these dates cannot be changed without mutual consent.

13.07 Vacation Entitlement

Full-time Employees shall be entitled to time off and shall earn vacation credits as follows:

(a) During the first (1st) and subsequent years, including the third (3rd) year of continuous employment, three (3) weeks of time off and fifteen (15) days of vacation credit (1 1/4 credits/month).

(b) During the fourth (4th) and subsequent years, including the fourteenth (14th) year of continuous employment, four (4) weeks of time off and twenty (20) days of vacation credit (1 2/3 credits/month).

(c) During the fifteenth (15th) and subsequent years, including the twenty fourth (24th) year of continuous employment, five (5) weeks of time off and twenty five (25) days of vacation credit (2 1/12 credits/month).

(d) During the twenty fifth (25th) and subsequent years of continuous employment, six (6) weeks of time off and thirty (30) days of vacation credit (2 1/2 credits/month).

Other-than-full-time Employees shall earn vacation credits, as specified above, on a pro-rata basis.

13.08 Vacation Pay

(a) During vacation leave periods, an Employee shall receive her regular rate of pay, based on available credits.

(b) When an Employee’s annual vacation entitlement has been fully exhausted, 3/52, 4/52, 5/52 or 6/52 of the Employee’s gross earnings (all remuneration paid to the Employee except transportation allowance) during the vacation year will be calculated. Any amount by which this amount exceeds pay already received during the vacation leave period will be paid to the Employee.

13.09 Vacation Pay Advance

Where an Employee requests vacation pay in advance and provides fourteen (14) days written notice prior to the commencement of the vacation, vacation pay shall be provided to the Employee no later than her last scheduled working day prior to vacation.

13.10 Maximum Vacation Accumulation

Maximum vacation credits available as of March 31st of each year shall be the vacation credits earned during that vacation year plus five days earned vacation credits from previous vacation years.

13.11 Displacement Of Vacation

Where, in respect of any period of vacation leave, an Employee is:

(a) granted bereavement leave, or

(b) granted sick leave as a result of hospitalization during the scheduled vacation, or

(c) granted sick leave, verified by a physician, which confined the Employee for a period of four (4) or more consecutive days, or

(d) granted sick leave, verified by a medical doctor immediately prior to commencing scheduled vacation and such illness continues into the period of scheduled vacation, or

(e) granted other approved leave of absence,

the period of vacation so displaced shall either be added to the vacation period if mutually agreed or reinstated for use at a later date.

13.12 Call Back From Vacation

An Employee called back from vacation shall be paid at two times (2x) her regular rate of pay for all hours worked. Upon completion of the work that the Employee had been called back to perform, the Employee may, at her discretion, resume and complete the remainder of the scheduled vacation days or, by mutual agreement, reschedule unused vacation to be taken at a later date.

Where the Employer requires an Employee to cancel scheduled vacation as provided in Article 13.06, the Employee shall immediately notify the Employer of any associated unrecoverable cost that the Employee will experience. The Employer will reimburse the Employee for such reasonable and actual cost, where supported by receipts or other satisfactory proof.

13.13 Vacation Pay On Termination Or Retirement

An Employee who terminates at any time in the vacation year before having taken vacation, shall be paid out for all vacation credits earned and not yet taken.

Employees formerly under collective agreements that provided for enhanced vacation pay upon termination or retirement are addressed in Letter of Understanding #3.

13.14 More Favorable Entitlement

(a) An Employee whose current vacation entitlement (accrual rate) is more favorable than the provision of Article 13.07 may continue her current entitlement. Subsequent increases to vacation entitlement shall be as per Article 13.07.

(b) An Employee who works for more than one (1) Employer shall accrue vacation credits at the highest accrual rate to which she is entitled with any Employer.


14.01 Public Holidays

For the purpose of this Agreement, the following shall be considered Public Holidays:

New Year’s Day Saskatchewan Day

Family Day Labour Day

Good Friday Thanksgiving Day

Easter Sunday Remembrance Day

Victoria Day Christmas Day

Canada Day Boxing Day

and any other day proclaimed as a public holiday by the Federal, Provincial or Municipal Government. However, a civically declared holiday in lieu of any of the above named public holidays shall not be considered a holiday.

14.02 Saturday Or Sunday Holiday

(a) For Employees who are regularly scheduled to work Monday through Friday,

(i) when the public holiday falls on a Sunday, the holiday will be observed on the following Monday.

(ii) when the public holiday falls on a Saturday, the holiday will be observed on the previous Friday.

(b) For Employees whose regular days of rest are not Saturday or Sunday, the holiday will be observed on the day it occurs.

14.03 For Full-Time Employees

(a) Public Holiday On A Scheduled Work Day

Employees required to be on duty on any of the aforementioned holidays shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1-1/2) their regular rate of pay, plus time off with pay equal to the regular hours worked. Such time shall be granted within four (4) weeks before or after the week in which the holiday occurs, or if this is not possible, payment in lieu at their regular rate unless it is mutually agreed between the Employer and Employee to extend the period in which the holiday may be taken.

(b) Public Holiday On Day Off/Vacation

Where a Public Holiday falls on an Employee’s day(s) off, or during the Employees annual vacation period, such Employee shall receive an additional day off with pay in lieu thereof.

Wherever possible, a day off in lieu of a Public Holiday, shall, unless otherwise requested by the Employee, be added onto regular days off.

14.04 For Other-Than-Full-Time-Employees
Other than full-time Employees required to work on a Public Holiday as set out in Article 14.01 shall receive:

(i) one and one-half (1 ½) times their regular rate of pay for all the normal hours worked, and

(ii) holiday pay calculated on the following basis, whichever is greater:

(1) if the Employee has been paid at least two of the four previous days of the same name as the day the holiday is observed, she is eligible for holiday pay for the average number of hours paid on those days:

Of Paid
Hours in Immediately Preceding
Four Weeks150

The Normal Full-Time Hours/Day

Hourly Rate Of Pay

Public Holiday Pay Entitlement

(b) Public Holiday On Day Off/Vacation

Where a public holiday falls on an other than full-time Employee’s day(s) off, or during the Employee’s annual vacation period, such Employee shall receive holiday pay in accordance with (a) (ii) above.

(b) Public Holiday On Day Off/Vacation

Where a public holiday falls on an other than full-time Employee’s day(s) off, or during the Employee’s annual vacation period, such Employee shall receive holiday pay in accordance with (a) (ii) above.

14.05 Overtime Pay On A Public Holiday
An Employee required to work in excess of the regular hours of work on the day of a public holiday shall be paid at two (2) times the regular rate of pay.


Except as otherwise provided by this agreement, standard annual hours for full-time Employees shall be 1948.8 hours, and the provisions of Article 15.01 (Standard Hours of Work), and other associated provisions, including Article 15.04 (Overtime and Premium Rates), will apply. The parties may meet from time to time, provincially or at the local level, to negotiate modifications in the patterns of work hours, or to confirm the extension of such modifications. As well as such modifications for which provisions are made herein, the parties may make modifications which alter some aspects of the administration of this agreement, as long as no Employee be required to work more than full-time hours, as averaged over some reasonable period of time, not to exceed six (6) months.

15.01 A. Standard Hours Of Work

For the purposes of this Article, there will be a cycle of consecutive three (3) week periods commencing January 6, 2019 (see the calendar on the inside back cover of this Collective Agreement showing the division into three (3) week periods). Where an Employer has established a different cycle of consecutive three (3) week periods, the transition will be made in such a way that no wages are lost and no overtime is earned simply by reason of the transition to the generally established cycle.

(a) Hours of work shall not exceed one hundred and twelve (112) hours in a three (3) week period, or eight (8) hours in any one day.

(b) For full-time Employees, the shift schedule shall provide for six (6) scheduled days off in each three (3) week period in addition to any public holiday falling within the period, and Employees shall be scheduled no less than two (2) consecutive days off.

For part-time Employees, the shift schedule shall provide for no less than six (6) unscheduled days in each three (3) week period with no less than two (2) consecutive unscheduled days.

Additionally, full-time Employees shall be scheduled for a seventh (7th) Additional Day of Rest (ADR) in conjunction with an Employee’s scheduled days off or scheduled Statutory Holiday off or on a day which is mutually agreed upon. Up to three ADRs can be banked, to be taken at the Employee’s discretion subject to operational considerations. Where provision of service is enhanced by banking additional ADRs, the union and Employer may agree to do so. If the hours of work in a three (3) week period exceed one hundred and twelve (112) hours by reason of the Employee wishing to bank her ADRs, overtime rates shall not be payable for the hours so worked. Banked ADRs must be used in the fiscal year they accrued.

(c) Employees shall not be required to work more than six (6) consecutive calendar days.

(d) Each day paid for sick leave, annual vacation, public holiday and paid leave of absence shall be considered a shift worked.

(e) The schedule shall provide for at least one (1) weekend off in each three (3) week period.

(f) For the purpose of tracking standard hours of work, the Employer will post, in the same location as Employee timesheets, the attached calendar as per the Collective Agreement marking weeks 1-3.

B. Emergency Medical Services Employees

(a) Hours Of Work:

Notwithstanding other provisions of this agreement, and consistent with The Ambulance Act, the standard hours of work for full-time Employees shall consist of scheduled shifts so as to ensure a forty-two (42) hour work week averaged over a period of sixteen (16) weeks and two thousand, one hundred and eighty four (2184) hours annually. Hours of work do not include periods when the Employee is assigned standby as per Article 15.11.

Notwithstanding the above annual hours of work, where it is mutually agreed between the Employer and the Union, the parties may implement standard hours of work of one thousand, nine hundred and forty-eight point eight (1948.8) for EMS Services.

(b) Designated Base:

During the work period, an Employee shall be assigned a designated base, which could include the work site or another suitable location.

(c) Employees shall not be required to work more than six (6) consecutive calendar days.

(d) Each day paid for sick leave, annual vacation, public holiday and paid leave of absence shall be considered a shift worked.

(e) The schedule shall provide for at least one (1) weekend off in each three (3) week period.

(f) Where, under the terms of this agreement, Employees regularly work full-time hours other than 1948.8 annually, the number of hours for which they are entitled to sick leave, vacation, and family leave will be adjusted to reflect the average daily hours of work.

(g) For the purposes of tracking standard hours of work, the Employer will post, in the same location as Employee timesheets, the attached calendar as per the Collective Agreement marking weeks 1-3.

C. Field Hours

For field hours positions, hours of work will be two hundred and twenty-four (224) hours in a six (6) week period, the cycle of defined six week periods commencing and continuing from January 6, 2019. Within each six (6) week period, an Employee will have flexibility to govern her hours of work within any day or series of days to meet client and essential program needs.

The following provisions will apply:

(a) Overtime rates, as per Article 15.04, shall be paid for any hours worked that exceed twelve (12) hours in a day or two hundred and twenty-four (224) hours in any six (6) week period.

(b) In addition to the regular rates of pay, a shift premium of $2.10 ($2.75 effective July 1, 2015) per hour for all work required to be performed between 1800 and 0700 hours.

(c) Within each six week cycle, an Employee shall be entitled to a minimum of twelve (12) days off.

Additionally, full-time Employees shall be entitled to two Additional Day(s) of Rest (ADR) within each six week cycle. Field Employees shall be entitled to the provisions of Article 15.01 A. (b) with respect to banking ADRs.

(d) Each day paid for sick leave, annual vacation, public holiday and paid leave of absence shall be considered a shift worked.

(e) For the purpose of tracking field hours of work, the Employer will post in the same location as Employee time-sheets, the attached calendar as per the Collective Agreement marking the weeks 1-6.

The designation of position(s) as field hours positions shall be subject to discussion by the parties. Factors to be considered when reviewing the matter shall include the following: