The Securities Act (Alberta), RSA 2000 cS-4, is the statute that establishes Alberta's securities laws and gives the Alberta Securities Commission its powers and duties. The Revised Statutes of Alberta (RSA) 2000 came into effect on January 1, 2002. Since that revision, the Act has been amended a number of times over the years. The statutes that contain these amendments are linked below, and each one can be viewed by clicking on the name of the statute.
Looking for the Alberta Securities Commission Rules (General) and Forms? See Regulatory Instruments.
Date of Royal Assent
awaiting proclamation
subsequently repealed,
not pursued
2(e) was repealed
and replaced by 20 of the Securities Amendment Act, 2008
(Bill 38)
10 was repealed and replaced by 16 of the Securities Amendment
Act, 2011
(Bill 4)
37 and 40 will not be pursued and were effectively repealed via the Statues Repeal Act (Alberta)