1. Welcome to Live

Live is the result of musicians wanting a better way to create, produce and perform music using a computer. A great deal of effort has been put into making Live easy and fun to use, yet at the same time capable of helping you create music with unlimited depth and sophistication. You can use this manual as a reference to get familiar with all of Live’s features and workflows.

We hope you enjoy using Live and that it enhances your creative process.

Your Ableton Team.

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Ableton Reference Manual

  1. 1. Welcome to Live
    1. 1.1 The Ableton Team Says: Thank You
    1. 2.1 Installation and Authorization
    2. 2.2 Learn About Live
      1. 2.2.1 Using the Info View
      1. 2.3.1 Display & Input
      2. 2.3.2 Theme & Colors
      3. 2.3.3 Audio
      4. 2.3.4 Link, Tempo & MIDI
      5. 2.3.5 File & Folder
      6. 2.3.6 Library
      7. 2.3.7 Plug-Ins
      8. 2.3.8 Record, Warp & Launch
      9. 2.3.9 Licenses & Updates
      1. 3.1 The Browser
      2. 3.2 Live Sets
      3. 3.3 Arrangement and Session
      4. 3.4 Tracks
      5. 3.5 Audio and MIDI
      6. 3.6 Audio Clips and Samples
      7. 3.7 MIDI Clips and MIDI Files
      8. 3.8 Devices and the Mixer
      9. 3.9 Presets and Racks
      10. 3.10 Routing
      11. 3.11 Recording New Clips
      12. 3.12 Automation Envelopes
      13. 3.13 Clip Envelopes
      14. 3.14 MIDI and Key Remote
      15. 3.15 Saving and Exporting
      1. 4.1 Search Bar and Browser History
      2. 4.2 Filters and Tags
        1. 4.2.1 Filter Groups
        2. 4.2.2 Tags
        3. 4.2.3 Tags Editor
        1. 4.5.1 Downloading and Installing Packs in the Browser
        2. 4.5.2 Using Ableton Cloud
        3. 4.5.3 Transferring Files from Push 3 in Standalone Mode
        4. 4.5.4 User Library
        5. 4.5.5 Current Project
        6. 4.5.6 User Folders
        1. 5.1 Sample Files
          1. 5.1.1 The Decoding Cache
          2. 5.1.2 Analysis Files (.asd)
          3. 5.1.3 Exporting Audio and Video
          1. 5.2.1 Exporting MIDI Files
          1. 5.4.1 Creating, Opening and Saving Sets
          2. 5.4.2 Merging Sets
          3. 5.4.3 Exporting Session Clips as New Sets
          4. 5.4.4 Template Sets
          5. 5.4.5 Viewing and Changing a Live Set’s File References
          1. 5.5.1 Projects and Live Sets
          2. 5.5.2 Projects and Presets
          3. 5.5.3 Managing Files in a Project
          1. 5.6.1 Manual Repair
          2. 5.6.2 Automatic Repair
          1. 5.7.1 Collect Files on Export
          1. 5.11.1 How Do I Create a Project?
          2. 5.11.2 How Can I Save Presets Into My Current Project?
          3. 5.11.3 Can I Work On Multiple Versions of a Set?
          4. 5.11.4 Where Should I Save My Live Sets?
          5. 5.11.5 Can I Use My Own Folder Structure Within a Project Folder?
          1. 6.1 Layout
          2. 6.2 Navigation and Zooming
          3. 6.3 Transport and Playback
          4. 6.4 Launching the Arrangement with Locators
          5. 6.5 Time Signature Changes
          6. 6.6 The Arrangement Loop
          7. 6.7 Moving and Resizing Clips
          8. 6.8 Audio Clip Fades and Crossfades
          9. 6.9 Selecting Clips and Time
          10. 6.10 Using the Editing Grid
          11. 6.11 Using the …Time Commands
          12. 6.12 Splitting Clips
          13. 6.13 Consolidating Clips
          14. 6.14 Linked-Track Editing
            1. 6.14.1 Linking and Unlinking Tracks
            2. 6.14.2 Editing Linked Tracks
            1. 7.1 Session View Clips
            2. 7.2 Tracks and Scenes
              1. 7.2.1 Editing Scene Tempo and Time Signature Values
              2. 7.2.2 Scene View
              1. 7.4.1 Select on Launch
              2. 7.4.2 Removing Clip Stop Buttons
              3. 7.4.3 Editing Scenes
              1. 8.1 The Clip Tabs/Panels
                1. 8.1.1 Clip Activator Switch
                2. 8.1.2 Clip View Sample Details
                3. 8.1.3 Clip Tabs/Clip Panels
                4. 8.1.4 Clip Name and Color
                5. 8.1.5 Clip Region/Loop and Display
                6. 8.1.6 Clip Signature
                7. 8.1.7 Clip Groove Chooser
                8. 8.1.8 Saving Default Audio Clip Settings with the Sample
                9. 8.1.9 MIDI Clip Scales
                10. 8.1.10 MIDI Clip Bank and Program Change
                1. 8.2.1 Warp Controls
                2. 8.2.2 Clip Start and End Fades
                3. 8.2.3 Clip RAM Mode
                4. 8.2.4 High Quality Interpolation
                5. 8.2.5 Clip Gain and Pitch
                6. 8.2.6 Destructive Sample Editing
                7. 8.2.7 Reversing Samples
                8. 8.2.8 Cropping Audio Clips
                9. 8.2.9 Replacing and Editing the Sample
                1. 9.1 Tempo
                  1. 9.1.1 Setting the Tempo
                  2. 9.1.2 Tapping the Tempo
                  3. 9.1.3 Nudging the Tempo
                  4. 9.1.4 Clip Tempo Followers and Leaders
                  1. 9.2.1 Warping Options in Settings
                  2. 9.2.2 Importing Samples
                  3. 9.2.3 Warp Markers
                  4. 9.2.4 Warping Short Samples
                  5. 9.2.5 Auto-Warping Long Samples
                  6. 9.2.6 Manipulating Grooves
                  7. 9.2.7 Quantizing Audio
                  1. 9.3.1 Beats Mode
                  2. 9.3.2 Tones Mode
                  3. 9.3.3 Texture Mode
                  4. 9.3.4 Re-Pitch Mode
                  5. 9.3.5 Complex and Complex Pro Mode
                  1. 10.1 The Clip Content Editor Layout for MIDI Clips
                  2. 10.2 Zooming and Navigating in the MIDI Note Editor
                    1. 10.2.1 Grid Snapping
                    2. 10.2.2 Playback Options
                    1. 10.4.1 Draw Mode
                    2. 10.4.2 Previewing Notes
                    1. 10.5.1 Non-Destructive Editing
                    2. 10.5.2 Selecting Notes and Timespan
                    3. 10.5.3 Moving Notes
                    4. 10.5.4 Changing Note Length
                    5. 10.5.5 MIDI Note Stretch
                    6. 10.5.6 Deactivating Notes
                    7. 10.5.7 Note Operations
                    8. 10.5.8 Pitch and Time Utilities
                    9. 10.5.9 MIDI Tools
                    10. 10.5.10 Quantizing Notes
                    11. 10.5.11 Editing Velocities
                    12. 10.5.12 Editing Probabilities
                    1. 10.7.1 Cropping MIDI Clips
                    2. 10.7.2 The …Time Commands in the MIDI Note Editor
                    3. 10.7.3 Looping
                    1. 10.8.1 Focus Mode
                    2. 10.8.2 Multi-Clip Editing in the Session View
                    3. 10.8.3 Multi-Clip Editing in the Arrangement View
                    1. 11.1 Transformation Tools
                      1. 11.1.1 Arpeggiate
                      2. 11.1.2 Connect
                      3. 11.1.3 Ornament
                      4. 11.1.4 Quantize
                      5. 11.1.5 Recombine
                      6. 11.1.6 Span
                      7. 11.1.7 Strum
                      8. 11.1.8 Time Warp
                      1. 11.2.1 Rhythm
                      2. 11.2.2 Seed
                      3. 11.2.3 Shape
                      4. 11.2.4 Stacks
                      1. 12.1 Viewing MPE Data
                      2. 12.2 Editing MPE Data
                      3. 12.3 Drawing Envelopes
                      4. 12.4 MPE in Live’s Devices and on Push 2
                      5. 12.5 MPE in External Plug-ins
                      6. 12.6 MPE/Multi-channel Settings
                        1. 12.6.1 Accessing the MPE/Multi-channel Settings Dialog
                        2. 12.6.2 The MPE/Multi-Channel Settings Dialog
                        1. 13.1 Slice to New MIDI Track
                          1. 13.1.1 Resequencing Slices
                          2. 13.1.2 Using Effects on Slices
                          1. 14.1 Groove Pool
                            1. 14.1.1 Adjusting Groove Parameters
                            2. 14.1.2 Committing Grooves
                            1. 14.2.1 Extracting Grooves
                            1. 14.3.1 Grooving a Single Voice
                            2. 14.3.2 Non-Destructive Quantization
                            3. 14.3.3 Creating Texture With Randomization
                            1. 15.1 Loading a Tuning System
                            2. 15.2 The Tuning Section
                            3. 15.3 MIDI Track Options for Tuning Systems
                              1. 15.3.1 Bypass Tuning
                              2. 15.3.2 MIDI Controller Layouts
                              1. 16.1 The Launch Controls
                              2. 16.2 Launch Modes
                              3. 16.3 Legato Mode
                              4. 16.4 Clip Launch Quantization
                              5. 16.5 Velocity
                              6. 16.6 Clip Offset and Nudging
                              7. 16.7 Follow Actions
                                1. 16.7.1 Looping Parts of a Clip
                                2. 16.7.2 Creating Cycles
                                3. 16.7.3 Temporarily Looping Clips
                                4. 16.7.4 Adding Variations in Sync
                                5. 16.7.5 Mixing up Melodies and Beats
                                6. 16.7.6 Creating Nonrepetitive Structures
                                1. 17.1 Monitoring
                                2. 17.2 External Audio In/Out
                                  1. 17.2.1 Mono/Stereo Conversions
                                  1. 17.3.1 MIDI Port Inputs and Outputs
                                  2. 17.3.2 Playing MIDI With the Computer Keyboard
                                  3. 17.3.3 Connecting External Synthesizers
                                  4. 17.3.4 MIDI In/Out Indicators
                                  1. 17.5.1 Internal Routing Points
                                  2. 17.5.2 Making Use of Internal Routing
                                  1. 18.1 The Live Mixer
                                    1. 18.1.1 Additional Mixer Features
                                    1. 19.1 Choosing an Input
                                    2. 19.2 Arming (Record-Enabling) Tracks
                                    3. 19.3 Recording
                                      1. 19.3.1 Recording Into the Arrangement
                                      2. 19.3.2 Recording Into Session Slots
                                      3. 19.3.3 Overdub Recording MIDI Patterns
                                      4. 19.3.4 MIDI Step Recording
                                      1. 19.4.1 Metronome Settings
                                      1. 19.10.1 Starting a New Live Set
                                      2. 19.10.2 Adding Material to an Existing Live Set
                                      1. 20.1 Take Lanes
                                      2. 20.2 Inserting and Managing Take Lanes
                                      3. 20.3 Recording Takes
                                      4. 20.4 Inserting Samples
                                      5. 20.5 Auditioning Take Lanes
                                      6. 20.6 Creating a Comp
                                      7. 20.7 Source Highlights
                                      1. 21.1 Using the Live Devices
                                        1. 21.1.1 Live Device Presets
                                        1. 21.2.1 Plug-Ins in the Device View
                                        2. 21.2.2 Sidechain Parameters
                                        1. 21.3.1 The VST Plug-In Folder
                                        2. 21.3.2 VST Presets and Banks
                                        1. 22.1 An Overview of Racks
                                          1. 22.1.1 Signal Flow and Parallel Device Chains
                                          2. 22.1.2 Macro Controls
                                          1. 22.4.1 Auto Select
                                          1. 22.5.1 Signal Flow through Zones
                                          2. 22.5.2 Key Zones
                                          3. 22.5.3 Velocity Zones
                                          4. 22.5.4 Chain Select Zones
                                          1. 22.6.1 Pad View
                                          1. 22.7.1 Map Mode
                                          2. 22.7.2 Randomizing Macro Controls
                                          3. 22.7.3 Macro Control Variations
                                          1. 22.8.1 Extracting Chains
                                          1. 23.1 Recording Automation in Arrangement View
                                          2. 23.2 Recording Automation in Session View
                                            1. 23.2.1 Session Automation Recording Modes
                                            1. 23.5.1 Drawing Envelopes
                                            2. 23.5.2 Editing Breakpoints
                                            3. 23.5.3 Stretching and Skewing Envelopes
                                            4. 23.5.4 Simplifying Envelopes
                                            5. 23.5.5 Inserting Automation Shapes
                                            6. 23.5.6 Locking Envelopes
                                            7. 23.5.7 Edit Menu Commands
                                            8. 23.5.8 Editing the Tempo Automation
                                            1. 24.1 The Clip Envelope Editor
                                            2. 24.2 Audio Clip Envelopes
                                              1. 24.2.1 Clip Envelopes are Non-Destructive
                                              2. 24.2.2 Changing Pitch and Tuning per Note
                                              3. 24.2.3 Muting or Attenuating Notes in a Sample
                                              4. 24.2.4 Scrambling Beats
                                              5. 24.2.5 Using Clips as Templates
                                              1. 24.3.1 Modulating Mixer Volumes and Sends
                                              2. 24.3.2 Modulating Pan
                                              3. 24.3.3 Modulating Device Controls
                                              1. 24.5.1 Programming a Fade-Out for a Live Set
                                              2. 24.5.2 Creating Long Loops from Short Loops
                                              3. 24.5.3 Imposing Rhythm Patterns onto Samples
                                              4. 24.5.4 Clip Envelopes as LFOs
                                              5. 24.5.5 Warping Linked Envelopes
                                              1. 25.1 Importing Video
                                              2. 25.2 The Appearance of Video in Live
                                                1. 25.2.1 Video Clips in the Arrangement View
                                                2. 25.2.2 The Video Window
                                                3. 25.2.3 Clip View
                                                1. 26.1 Amp
                                                  1. 26.1.1 Amp Tips
                                                  1. 26.5.1 Cabinet Tips
                                                  1. 26.6.1 Channel EQ Tips
                                                  1. 26.8.1 Chorus-Ensemble Tips
                                                  1. 26.9.1 Sidechain Parameters
                                                  2. 26.9.2 Compressor Tips
                                                  1. 26.10.1 Resonator Parameters
                                                  2. 26.10.2 LFO Section
                                                  3. 26.10.3 Filter Section
                                                  4. 26.10.4 Global Parameters
                                                  5. 26.10.5 Sidechain Parameters
                                                  1. 26.11.1 Delay Tips
                                                  1. 26.14.1 Echo Tab
                                                  2. 26.14.2 Modulation Tab
                                                  3. 26.14.3 Character Tab
                                                  4. 26.14.4 Global Controls
                                                  1. 26.21.1 Frequency Shifter Tips
                                                  1. 26.23.1 Sidechain Parameters
                                                  1. 26.25.1 Signal Flow
                                                  2. 26.25.2 Input Section
                                                  3. 26.25.3 Convolution Reverb Engine
                                                  4. 26.25.4 Algorithmic Reverb Engine
                                                  5. 26.25.5 EQ Section
                                                  6. 26.25.6 Output Section
                                                  1. 26.27.1 Feedback Routing
                                                  1. 26.28.1 Dynamics Processing Theory
                                                  2. 26.28.2 Interface and Controls
                                                  3. 26.28.3 Sidechain Parameters
                                                  4. 26.28.4 Multiband Dynamics Tips
                                                  1. 26.30.1 Pedal Tips
                                                  1. 26.33.1 Downsampling
                                                  2. 26.33.2 Bit Reduction
                                                  1. 26.36.1 Input Filter
                                                  2. 26.36.2 Early Reflections
                                                  3. 26.36.3 Diffusion Network
                                                  4. 26.36.4 Chorus
                                                  5. 26.36.5 Global Settings
                                                  6. 26.36.6 Output
                                                  1. 26.37.1 Input Section
                                                  2. 26.37.2 Gain Stage Section
                                                  3. 26.37.3 Modulation Section
                                                  4. 26.37.4 Feedback Section
                                                  5. 26.37.5 Global Section
                                                  1. 26.39.1 Tuning and Delay Section
                                                  2. 26.39.2 LFO Section
                                                  3. 26.39.3 Envelope Follower Section
                                                  4. 26.39.4 Shifter Mode Section
                                                  5. 26.39.5 Sidechain Parameters
                                                  6. 26.39.6 Shifter Tips
                                                  1. 26.40.1 Spectral Resonator Tips
                                                  1. 26.41.1 Freezer Section
                                                  2. 26.41.2 Delay Section
                                                  3. 26.41.3 Resolution Section
                                                  4. 26.41.4 Global Controls
                                                  1. 26.43.1 View Switches
                                                  2. 26.43.2 Classic View
                                                  3. 26.43.3 Histogram View
                                                  4. 26.43.4 Note Spellings
                                                  5. 26.43.5 Reference Slider
                                                  1. 26.46.1 Vocoder Tips
                                                  1. 27.1 Arpeggiator
                                                    1. 27.1.1 Style and Rate Sections
                                                    2. 27.1.2 Transposition and Velocity Sections
                                                    1. 28.1 Analog
                                                      1. 28.1.1 Architecture and Interface
                                                      2. 28.1.2 Oscillators
                                                      3. 28.1.3 Noise Generator
                                                      4. 28.1.4 Filters
                                                      5. 28.1.5 Amplifiers
                                                      6. 28.1.6 Envelopes
                                                      7. 28.1.7 LFOs
                                                      8. 28.1.8 Global Parameters
                                                      9. 28.1.9 MPE Sources
                                                      1. 28.2.1 Architecture and Interface
                                                      2. 28.2.2 Mallet Section
                                                      3. 28.2.3 Noise Section
                                                      4. 28.2.4 Resonator Tabs
                                                      5. 28.2.5 LFO Tab
                                                      6. 28.2.6 MIDI/MPE Tab
                                                      7. 28.2.7 Sound Design Tips
                                                      1. 28.3.1 Subtractive Synthesis
                                                      2. 28.3.2 Oscillator Section
                                                      3. 28.3.3 Filter Section
                                                      4. 28.3.4 Envelopes Section
                                                      5. 28.3.5 LFO Section
                                                      6. 28.3.6 Mod Section
                                                      7. 28.3.7 Global Section
                                                      1. 28.4.1 Architecture and Interface
                                                      2. 28.4.2 Hammer Section
                                                      3. 28.4.3 Fork Section
                                                      4. 28.4.4 Damper/Pickup Section
                                                      5. 28.4.5 Global Section
                                                      1. 28.6.1 Sample Slots
                                                      2. 28.6.2 Start, Transpose and Stretch
                                                      3. 28.6.3 Filter
                                                      4. 28.6.4 Saturator and Envelope
                                                      5. 28.6.5 Pan and Volume
                                                      6. 28.6.6 Global Controls
                                                      7. 28.6.7 Individual Outputs
                                                      1. 28.7.1 General Overview
                                                      2. 28.7.2 Oscillators
                                                      3. 28.7.3 Oscillator Macros
                                                      4. 28.7.4 Envelopes Tab
                                                      5. 28.7.5 LFOs Tab
                                                      6. 28.7.6 Matrix Tab
                                                      7. 28.7.7 MIDI and MPE Tabs
                                                      8. 28.7.8 Settings Tab
                                                      9. 28.7.9 Filters
                                                      10. 28.7.10 Mix Section
                                                      11. 28.7.11 Global Controls
                                                      1. 28.8.1 General Overview
                                                      2. 28.8.2 Oscillator Section
                                                      3. 28.8.3 LFO Section
                                                      4. 28.8.4 Envelopes
                                                      5. 28.8.5 Filter Section
                                                      6. 28.8.6 Global Controls
                                                      7. 28.8.7 Glide and Spread
                                                      8. 28.8.8 Strategies for Saving CPU Power
                                                      9. 28.8.9 Finally…
                                                      10. 28.8.10 The Complete Parameter List
                                                      1. 28.9.1 Getting Started with Sampler
                                                      2. 28.9.2 Multisampling
                                                      3. 28.9.3 Title Bar Options
                                                      4. 28.9.4 Sampler’s Tabs
                                                      5. 28.9.5 The Zone Tab
                                                      6. 28.9.6 The Sample Tab
                                                      7. 28.9.7 The Pitch/Osc Tab
                                                      8. 28.9.8 The Filter/Global Tab
                                                      9. 28.9.9 The Modulation Tab
                                                      10. 28.9.10 The MIDI Tab
                                                      11. 28.9.11 Importing Third-Party Multisamples
                                                      1. 28.10.1 Playback Modes
                                                      2. 28.10.2 Warp Controls
                                                      3. 28.10.3 Filter
                                                      4. 28.10.4 Envelopes
                                                      5. 28.10.5 LFO
                                                      6. 28.10.6 Global Parameters
                                                      7. 28.10.7 Context Menu Options
                                                      8. 28.10.8 Strategies for Saving CPU Power
                                                      1. 28.11.1 Architecture and Interface
                                                      2. 28.11.2 String Tab
                                                      3. 28.11.3 Filter/Global Tab
                                                      4. 28.11.4 Sound Design Tips
                                                      1. 28.12.1 Wavetable Synthesis
                                                      2. 28.12.2 Oscillators
                                                      3. 28.12.3 Sub Oscillator
                                                      4. 28.12.4 Filters
                                                      5. 28.12.5 Matrix Tab
                                                      6. 28.12.6 Mod Sources Tab
                                                      7. 28.12.7 MIDI Tab
                                                      8. 28.12.8 Global and Unison Controls
                                                      9. 28.12.9 Hi-Quality Mode
                                                      1. 29.1 Setting Up Max for Live
                                                      2. 29.2 Using Max for Live Devices
                                                      3. 29.3 Editing Max for Live Devices
                                                      4. 29.4 Building Max for Live MIDI Tools
                                                      5. 29.5 Max Dependencies
                                                      6. 29.6 Learning Max Programming
                                                      1. 30.1 Max for Live Instruments
                                                        1. 30.1.1 DS Clang
                                                        2. 30.1.2 DS Clap
                                                        3. 30.1.3 DS Cymbal
                                                        4. 30.1.4 DS FM
                                                        5. 30.1.5 DS HH
                                                        6. 30.1.6 DS Kick
                                                        7. 30.1.7 DS Sampler
                                                        8. 30.1.8 DS Snare
                                                        9. 30.1.9 DS Tom
                                                        1. 30.2.1 Align Delay
                                                        2. 30.2.2 Envelope Follower
                                                        3. 30.2.3 LFO
                                                        4. 30.2.4 Shaper
                                                        1. 30.3.1 Envelope MIDI
                                                        2. 30.3.2 Expression Control
                                                        3. 30.3.3 Expression Control Legacy
                                                        4. 30.3.4 MIDI Monitor
                                                        5. 30.3.5 MPE Control
                                                        6. 30.3.6 Note Echo
                                                        7. 30.3.7 Shaper MIDI
                                                        1. 30.4.1 Velocity Shaper
                                                        2. 30.4.2 Euclidean
                                                        1. 31.1 MIDI Remote Control
                                                          1. 31.1.1 Natively Supported Control Surfaces
                                                          2. 31.1.2 Manual Control Surface Setup
                                                          3. 31.1.3 Takeover Mode
                                                          1. 31.2.1 Assigning MIDI Remote Control
                                                          2. 31.2.2 Mapping to MIDI Notes
                                                          3. 31.2.3 Mapping to Absolute MIDI Controllers
                                                          4. 31.2.4 Mapping to Relative MIDI Controllers
                                                          5. 31.2.5 Computer Keyboard Remote Control
                                                          1. 32.1 Setup
                                                          2. 32.2 Browsing and Loading Sounds
                                                          3. 32.3 Playing and Programming Beats
                                                            1. 32.3.1 Loop Selector
                                                            2. 32.3.2 16 Velocities Mode
                                                            3. 32.3.3 64-Pad Mode
                                                            4. 32.3.4 Loading Individual Drums
                                                            5. 32.3.5 Step Sequencing Beats
                                                            6. 32.3.6 Real-time Recording
                                                            7. 32.3.7 Fixed Length Recording
                                                            1. 32.4.1 Recording with Repeat
                                                            2. 32.4.2 Quantizing
                                                            1. 32.5.1 Playing in Other Keys
                                                            1. 32.6.1 Adjusting the Loop Length
                                                            1. 32.7.1 32 Notes
                                                            2. 32.7.2 Sequencer
                                                            1. 32.12.1 Note-Specific Parameters
                                                            2. 32.12.2 Per-Step Automation
                                                            1. 32.13.1 Session Overview
                                                            1. 33.1 Setup
                                                            2. 33.2 Browsing and Loading Sounds
                                                            3. 33.3 Playing and Programming Beats
                                                              1. 33.3.1 Loop Selector
                                                              2. 33.3.2 16 Velocities Mode
                                                              3. 33.3.3 64-Pad Mode
                                                              4. 33.3.4 Loading Individual Drums
                                                              5. 33.3.5 Step Sequencing Beats
                                                              6. 33.3.6 Real-time Recording
                                                              7. 33.3.7 Fixed Length Recording
                                                              1. 33.4.1 Recording with Repeat
                                                              2. 33.4.2 Quantizing
                                                              3. 33.4.3 Arrangement Recording
                                                              1. 33.5.1 Playing in Other Keys
                                                              1. 33.6.1 Adjusting the Loop Length
                                                              1. 33.7.1 32 Notes
                                                              2. 33.7.2 Sequencer
                                                              1. 33.8.1 Classic Playback Mode
                                                              2. 33.8.2 One-Shot Mode
                                                              3. 33.8.3 Slicing Mode
                                                              1. 33.10.1 Adding, Deleting, and Reordering Devices
                                                              2. 33.10.2 Working with Racks
                                                              1. 33.11.1 Rack and Group Track Mixing
                                                              1. 33.14.1 Using MIDI Tracks in Clip Mode
                                                              2. 33.14.2 Real-Time Playing Layouts
                                                              3. 33.14.3 Sequencing Layouts
                                                              4. 33.14.4 Note-Specific Parameters
                                                              1. 33.15.1 Session Overview
                                                              1. 34.1 Synchronizing via Link
                                                                1. 34.1.1 Setting up Link
                                                                2. 34.1.2 Using Link
                                                                1. 34.2.1 Setting Up Tempo Follower
                                                                1. 34.3.1 Synchronizing External MIDI Devices to Live
                                                                2. 34.3.2 Synchronizing Live to External MIDI Devices
                                                                3. 34.3.3 Sync Delay
                                                                1. 35.1 Managing the CPU Load
                                                                  1. 35.1.1 The CPU Load Meter
                                                                  2. 35.1.2 CPU Load from Multichannel Audio
                                                                  3. 35.1.3 CPU Load from Tracks and Devices
                                                                  4. 35.1.4 Track Freeze
                                                                  1. 36.1 Testing and Methodology
                                                                  2. 36.2 Neutral Operations
                                                                    1. 36.2.1 Undithered Rendering
                                                                    2. 36.2.2 Matching sample rate/no transposition
                                                                    3. 36.2.3 Unstretched Beats/Tones/Texture/Re-Pitch Warping
                                                                    4. 36.2.4 Summing at Single Mix Points
                                                                    5. 36.2.5 Recording external signals (bit depth >/= A/D converter)
                                                                    6. 36.2.6 Recording internal sources at 32 bit
                                                                    7. 36.2.7 Freeze, Flatten
                                                                    8. 36.2.8 Bypassed Effects
                                                                    9. 36.2.9 Routing
                                                                    10. 36.2.10 Splitting Clips
                                                                    1. 36.3.1 Playback in Complex and Complex Pro Mode
                                                                    2. 36.3.2 Sample rate conversion/transposition
                                                                    3. 36.3.3 Volume Automation
                                                                    4. 36.3.4 Dithering
                                                                    5. 36.3.5 Recording external signals (bit depth < A/D converter)
                                                                    6. 36.3.6 Recording internal sources below 32 bit
                                                                    7. 36.3.7 Consolidate
                                                                    8. 36.3.8 Clip fades
                                                                    9. 36.3.9 Panning
                                                                    10. 36.3.10 Grooves
                                                                    1. 37.1 Ideal MIDI Behavior
                                                                    2. 37.2 MIDI Timing Problems
                                                                    3. 37.3 Live’s MIDI Solutions
                                                                    4. 37.4 Variables Outside of Live’s Control
                                                                    5. 37.5 Tips for Achieving Optimal MIDI Performance
                                                                    6. 37.6 Summary and Conclusions
                                                                    1. 38.1 Menu and Keyboard Navigation Settings
                                                                      1. 38.1.1 Using Tab for Navigation
                                                                      2. 38.1.2 Settings Menu
                                                                      3. 38.1.3 Options Menu
                                                                      4. 38.1.4 Speak Help Text
                                                                      1. 38.4.1 Navigate Menu
                                                                      1. 39.1 Showing and Hiding Views
                                                                      2. 39.2 Keyboard Focus and Navigation
                                                                      3. 39.3 Working with Sets and the Program
                                                                      4. 39.4 Working with Devices and Plug-Ins
                                                                      5. 39.5 Editing
                                                                      6. 39.6 Adjusting Values
                                                                      7. 39.7 Commands for Breakpoint Envelopes
                                                                      8. 39.8 Loop Brace and Start/End Markers
                                                                      9. 39.9 Zooming, Display and Selections
                                                                      10. 39.10 Clip View Editor View Modes
                                                                      11. 39.11 Clip View Sample Editor
                                                                      12. 39.12 Clip View MIDI Note Editor
                                                                      13. 39.13 Grid Snapping and Drawing
                                                                      14. 39.14 Global Quantization
                                                                      15. 39.15 Session View
                                                                      16. 39.16 Arrangement View
                                                                      17. 39.17 Comping
                                                                      18. 39.18 Commands for Tracks
                                                                      19. 39.19 Transport
                                                                      20. 39.20 Audio Engine
                                                                      21. 39.21 Browser
                                                                      22. 39.22 Similar Sample Swapping
                                                                      23. 39.23 Key/MIDI Map Mode and the Computer MIDI Keyboard
                                                                      24. 39.24 Momentary Latching Shortcuts
                                                                      25. 39.25 General Keyboard Navigation and Workflow
                                                                        1. 39.25.1 Using Tab for Navigation
                                                                        2. 39.25.2 Navigating Between Controls in the Settings Menu

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