CCMA Documents and Forms

The Commision for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA), is a dispute resolution body established in terms of the Labour Relations Act, 66 0f 1995 (LRA).

The CCMA is to be recognised and valued by everyone for changing working life by promoting social justice and transforming workplace relations and to give effect to everyone’s Constitutional right to fair labour practices.

The goals are to enhance and extend service delivery to transform workplace relations and advance development, and to strive for organisational effectiveness.

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Currently displaying all forms published by the CCMA.

Title Description Type Price
CCMA Arbitration Guidelines
Category CCMA
Guidelines on misconduct arbitrations, in terms of 115(2)(g) of the labour relation act (66 of 1995), effective from 1 January 2012 Forms FREE Preview
CCMA Fees and Cost - April 2012
Category CCMA
The circumstances under which the CCMA may charge fees. The CCMA does not generally charge fees for its dispute resolution work, but may do so in exceptional circumstances Forms FREE Preview
Collective Agreements CCMA
Category CCMA
Information Sheet by the CCMA on Collective Agreements (1) - A collective agreement is a written agreement concerning terms and conditions of employment, or any other matter of mutual interest. Forms FREE Preview
Compensation Commissioner CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Compensation Commissioner - In terms of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) of 1993, an employee is defined as any person who has entered into a contract of service with an employer. (Mar 2002) Forms FREE Preview
Con-Arb CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Con-Arb - Section 191 now makes provision for the con-arb process, which is a speedier one-stop process of conciliation and arbitration for individual unfair labour practices and unfair dismissals. (Mar 2002) Forms FREE Preview
Conciliation CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Conciliation - A conciliation hearing is a process where a commissioner (or a panellist, in the case of a bargaining council or agency) meets with the parties in a dispute explores ways to settle the dispute by agreement. Forms FREE Preview
Condonation Application - Unfair Labour Practice (CCMA)
Category CCMA
Application for Condonation in respect of unfair labour practice / unfair discrimination dispute Forms FREE Preview
Constructive Dismissal CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Constructive Dismissal - Constructive dismissal is where an employee resigns with or without a notice or leaves employment due to unfair pressure, unreasonable instruction or unbearable conduct on the part of the employer. Forms FREE Preview
Desertion CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Desertion - Desertion implies that an employee has left the place of work and does not appear to have any intention of returning to the workplace. Forms FREE Preview
Disciplinary Procedures CCMA
Category CCMA
information sheet by the CCMA on Disciplinary Procedures - The purpose of a disciplinary code and procedure is to regulate standards of conduct and incapacity of employees within a company or organisation. Forms FREE Preview
Discrimination CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Discrimination - Discrimination is to show favour, prejudice or bias for or against a person on any arbitrary grounds, for example on the basis of race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, family responsibility, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age disability, religion, HIV status, conscience, belief, political opinion, culture, language and birth by an employer. Forms FREE Preview
Drunkenness On Duty CCMA
Category CCMA
information sheet by the CCMA on Drunkenness On Duty - Drunkenness on duty and partaking of alcohol on duty (whether or not the employee is intoxicated) may constitute misconduct. Forms FREE Preview
Employment Equity CCMA
Category CCMA
information sheet by the CCMA on Employment Equity - South Africa has a legacy of discrimination in relation to race, gender and disability that has denied access to opportunities for education, employment, promotion and wealth creation to the majority of South Africans. Forms FREE Preview
Employment v Independent Contractor CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Employment v Independent Contractor - The employment contract serves as the foundation for the relationship between an employee and that employee’s employer. It is also the starting point for the entire system of labour law rules. Forms FREE Preview
Essential Service Designations CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Essential Service Designations - The Essential Services Committee has declared 18 services to be essential. (Jan 2002) Forms FREE Preview
Essential Services CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Essential Services - Essential services are those that, if interrupted would endanger the life, personal safety or health of the whole or any part of the population. Forms FREE Preview
Form LRA3.2 - Referring public service jurisdictional disputes for arbitration
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - If there is a dispute between two or more bargaining councils in the public service, including the PSCBC and the dispute has been referred for conciliation and is unresolved, any party may request the CCMA to arbitrate the dispute in terms of section 38(4) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995. Any party to the dispute fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
Harassment CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Harassment - Harassment is an incident that has happened to an individual at the workplace that is unwelcome, unwanted and has a destructive effect. Forms FREE Preview
Ill-Health or Injury CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Ill-Health and Injury - Illness or injury (incapacity) of a serious nature may be a valid reason for dismissal. Forms FREE Preview
Insolvency and Liquidation CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Insolvency and Liquidation - Final liquidation occurs when a company or close corporation has applied to the High Court (or the Magistrate’s Court in the case of the close corporation) for an order of final liquidation. Forms FREE Preview
Late Referrals CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Late Referrals - Applications for condonation - The Labour Relations Act, as amended, stipulates that unfair dismissal disputes need to be referred to the CCMA within 30 days of the date of the dismissal. Forms FREE Preview
Leave CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Leave - Sick leave, annual leave, family responsibility leave and maternity leave. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 2.4A Form - Referring a dispute arising from negotiations concerning minimum service agreement for determination
Category CCMA
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM? This form is a referral to the Essential Services Committee for a determination of a dispute arising from negotiations of minimum service agreement. WHO FILLS IN THIS FORM? Any party to the dispute. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 3.12 Form - Referring Public Service Jurisdictional Disputes for Conciliation
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - If there is a dispute between two or more bargaining councils in the public service, including the PSCBC, the dispute must be referred to the CCMA in terms of Section 38 of the Labour Relations Act 1995. Any party to the dispute fill in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 3.13 Form - Referring public service jurisdictional disputes for arbitration
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - If there is a dispute between two or more bargaining councils in the public service, including the PSCBC and the dispute has been referred for conciliation and is unresolved, any party may request the CCMA to arbitrate the dispute in terms of section 38(4) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995. Any party to the dispute fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 3.23 Form - Application about demarcation dispute
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is an application by a party to the CCMA to settle a demarcation dispute. This form is filled in by any registered trade union, Employee, Employer, Registered employers’ organisation or Council. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 4.1 Form - Request to establish picketing rules
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is a request by a party to the CCMA to secure agreement on picketing rules during a strike or lockout. A registered trade union or employer fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 4.2 Form - Referring disputes for determination as an essential service
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is an application to the essential services committee for a determination that a service is an essential service or that a person works in an essential service. An essential service means a service, which, if interrupted, would endanger the life or health of people. Parliamentary services and the South African Police Service are defined as essential services. Any party to the dispute fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 4.3 Form - Employer applies for maintenance service determination
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is an application, by an employer, to the essential services committee for a determination that the whole, or part of the employer’s business, is a maintenance service. A service is a maintenance service if the interruption of that service has the effect of material or physical destruction to any working area, factory or machinery. An employer fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 4.6 Form - Subpoena by essential services committee
Category CCMA
Subpoena by essential services committee - The following MUST be attached to a request for a subpoena: (a) motivation for the application and (b) proof that witness fees, travelling costs and subsistence expenses have been paid. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 4.7 Form - Bargaining council request for essential service investigation
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is a request to the essential services committee to conduct an investigation as to whether the whole or part of any service is an essential service. An essential service means a service, which, if interrupted, would endanger the life or health of people. WHO FILLS IN THIS FORM? - The Secretary of the Bargaining Council. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 4.8 Form - Request for ratification of collective agreement providing for maintenance of minimum services
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is a request to the essential services committee to ratify any collective agreement that provides for the maintenance of minimum services in a service designated as an essential service. Representatives of the parties to the collective agreement fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 4.8A Form - Referring disputes for conclusion of a collective agreement providing for a minimum service agreement
Category CCMA
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM? - This form is a referral to the Essential Services Committee for a determination on whether a collective agreement should be concluded that provides for maintenance of minimum services in essential services and the terms of such agreements. WHO FILLS IN THIS FORM? - Any party to the dispute. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 5.1 Form - Representative trade union applies to establish a workplace forum
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is an application by one or more representative trade unions for the establishment of a workplace forum. A workplace forum may be established in any workplace with more than 100 employees. This number excludes senior managerial employees. An application may only be made if there is not existing workplace forum established in terms of the Act. A representative trade union fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 5.2 Form - Representative trade union applies to establish a Trade-Union based workplace forum
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is an application by one or more trade unions, which are recognised by an employer for the purposes of collective bargaining to represent all employees (except senior managerial employees), for the establishment of a workplace forum. An application may only be made if there is no existing forum established in terms of the Act. A trade union fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.1 Form - Council applies for accreditation
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is an application by a Council to the Governing Body of the CCMA for accreditation to perform various dispute resolution functions. The Secretary of the Council fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.10 Form - Council or private agency applies for renewal of subsidy
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is an application by an accredited Council or an accredited agency for a renewal of a subsidy to perform various dispute resolution functions. An accredited Council or accredited agency fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.11 Form - Part A referring a dispute to the CCMA for conciliation (including CON-ARB)
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form enables a person or organisation to refer a dispute to the CCMA for conciliation and con-arb. Employer, employee, union or employers’ organisation fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.12 Form - Certificate of Outcome
Category CCMA
Certificate of outcome of dispute referred to conciliation Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.13 Form - Request for arbitration
Category CCMA
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM? - If conciliation fails, a party may request that the CCMA resolve the dispute by arbitration. WHO FILLS IN THIS FORM? - The party requesting the arbitration. (Demarcation disputes (Section 62) must be processed on LRA Form 3.23) Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.14 Form - Notice of objection to arbitration by same commissioner
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form notifies the CCMA that a party objects to an arbitrator who is the same commissioner who led the conciliation process. Objecting party fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.15 Form - Application to appoint senior commissioner to arbitrate
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is an application by a party to the CSC of the CCMA to appoint a Senior Commissioner to arbitrate. A party to the dispute fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.16 Form - Subpoena
Category CCMA
CCMA Subpoena form Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.17 Form - Request for taxation
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - To tax a bill of costs. The party requesting the taxation fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.18 Form - Application to certify CCMA award and writ of execution
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form requests the Director of the CCMA to certify that an award made by a CCMA Commissioner is a genuine award. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.18A Form - Application to certify Bargaining Council award
Category CCMA
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM? - This form requests the Director or delegated Commissioner of the CCMA to certify that an award issued under the auspices of a Bargaining Council is an award issued by a Bargaining Council Arbitrator. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.19 Form - Request for inquiry by arbitrator
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - Request for inquiry by arbitrator - An employer requesting a pre-dismissal arbitration fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.2 Form - Private agency applies for accreditation
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is an application by a private agency to the Governing Body of the CCMA for accreditation to perform various dispute resolution functions. An authorised representative of the private agency fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.20 Form - Request for Section 189A operational requirements facilitation
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form enables a party to initiate a section 189A facilitation process. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.21 Form - Request for advisory award on whether a person is an employee
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is a request to the CCMA to issue an advisory award determining whether a person is an employee. WHO FILLS IN THIS FORM? The parties to any working arrangement may request an advisory award provided the affected person/s earn R149.736 per annum or less. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.3 Form - Certificate of accreditation of council
Category CCMA
LRA Form 7.3 - Certificate of accreditation of council Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.4 Form - Certificate of Accreditation of Private Agency
Category CCMA
Certificate of Accreditation of Private Agency - in terms of Section 127 of the Labour Relations Act of 1995, been accredited to perform dispute resolution functions, subject to the conditions as imposed by the Governing Body and subject to the terms set out in the accompanying attachment. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.5 Form - Council or private agency applies to amend accreditation
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is an application by an accredited council or accredited private agency to the CCMA to amend its accreditation. For example, the amendment can relate to nature of services, scope of work or area. An accredited council or accredited private agency fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.6 Form - Council applies to renew accreditation
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is an application by an accredited council to the CCMA to renew its accreditation either in the current or amended form. An accredited council fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.7 Form - Private agency applies to renew accreditation
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is an application by an accredited agency to the CCMA to renew its accreditation, either in the current or amended form. An accredited agency fills in this form. Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.8 Form - Council applies for subsidy
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is an application by a Council to the Governing Body of the CCMA for a subsidy to perform dispute resolution functions and train people to perform these functions. An accredited Council or a Council applying fills in this form Forms FREE Preview
LRA 7.9 Form - Private agency applies for subsidy
Category CCMA
THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM - This form is an application by a private agency to the Governing Body of the CCMA for a subsidy to perform various dispute resolution functions. An authorised representative fills in this form Forms FREE Preview
Ministerial Determinations CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Ministerial Determinations - The Minister of Labour may establish basic conditions of employment for employees in a certain sector or area by means of a Ministerial Determination. (Mar 2002) Forms FREE Preview
Misconduct CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Misconduct (1) - Misconduct is one of the grounds recognised by the law that may give reason for the dismissal of an employee. The law promotes the principle of progressive discipline. Forms FREE Preview
Pension Funds Adjudicator CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Pension Funds Adjudicator - The office of the Pension Funds Adjudicator was established with effect from 1 January 1998 to investigate and decide complaints lodged in terms of the Pension Funds Act. Forms FREE Preview
Polygraph Testing CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Polygraph Testing - It is a test used to verify a person’s truthfulness and is often called a ‘Lie Detector Test. (Jan 2002) Forms FREE Preview
Poor Work Performance CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Poor Work Performance - South African labour laws recognise that an employer may require work performance of an acceptable standard, and that employees should be protected against unfair treatment. Forms FREE Preview
Pre-Dismissal Arbitrations CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Pre-Dismissal Arbitrations - It often happens that an employee (more often a senior employee) and employer consent to a disciplinary enquiry relating to conduct or capacity being chaired by a neutral outside party. Forms FREE Preview
Probation CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Probation - Probation is for newly appointed employees only. The purpose of probation is to establish whether or not the appointee’s performance is of an acceptable standard before permanently employing the employee. Forms FREE Preview
Promotion of Access to Information Act CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Promotion of Access to Information Act - This Act gives effect to the constitutional right of access to information contained in the Bill of Rights. Forms FREE Preview
Rescission Affidavit
Category CCMA
Application for condonation for late filing of rescission application / in the commission for conciliation mediation and arbitration Forms FREE Preview
Rescission and Review CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Rescission and Review - The effect of an arbitration award issued by a commissioner is that the award is final and binding and may be enforced as if it were an order of the Labour Court, unless it is an advisory arbitration award. Forms FREE Preview
Retrenchment CCMA
Category CCMA
information sheet by the CCMA on Retrenchment - Consultation must take place as soon as the employer contemplates retrenchment. Forms FREE Preview
Retrenchment in Terms of Section 189A CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Retrenchment in Terms of Section 189A - This section applies to employers employing more than 50 employees. Forms FREE Preview
Skills Development CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Skills Development - The Skills Development Act is aimed at developing strategies and improving the skills of the workforce, to provide for learner ships, to provide for financing of skills development and to regulate employment services. Forms FREE Preview
Termination of Employment CCMA
Category CCMA
Information Sheet by the CCMA on Termination of Employment - These rules on termination of employment do not apply to employees who work less than 24 hours per month. The length of employment determines the notice period. Forms FREE Preview
Transfer of Contracts of Employment CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Transfer of Contracts of Employment - When a company is transferred or sold ‘as is’ to a new owner, the employees’ contracts of employment are transferred to the new company without any changes. Forms FREE Preview
Unfair Labour Practice CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Unfair Labour Practice - unfair treatment by an employer of an employee or job applicant. Forms FREE Preview
Unilateral Changes CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Unilateral Changes - Terms and conditions of employment of employees are normally stipulated in their contracts of employment, which can either be verbal or be in writing. Forms FREE Preview
What is Arbitration CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on what Arbitration is - Arbitration is a more formal process than conciliation. Arbitration differs from conciliation in that it does not promote the continuation of collective bargaining and negotiations. Forms FREE Preview
Work Times CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Work Times - This does not apply to senior managers, travelling sales staff or people who work less than 24 hours a month. Employees earning more than R205 433.30 a year are also excluded. (2014) Forms FREE Preview
Workplace Forums CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Workplace Forums - The workplace forum is designed to provide non-adversarial opportunities for employers and employees to cooperate by means of consultation and joint decision-making on a range of workplace related issues excluding wage negotiations. Forms FREE Preview
Written Particulars of Employment CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Written Particulars of Employment - In terms of the law, when an employee starts to work for the employer, certain details must be written down. These may form part of a written contract of employment. Forms FREE Preview
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