
All undergraduate students at the University of Miami must complete three “Cognates'' to graduate. Majoring in political science will fulfil your People and Society cognate requirement. If you are not a political science major or minor and are interested in taking some of our courses we recommend some of the following People and Society cognates.

Political Behavior:

CLA 243 The Art of Government in Greece and Rome
POL 332 Mass Media and Politics
POL 201 Introduction to American National Government
POL 311 Conspiracy Theories and the Public
POL 334 Campaigns
POL 351 Public Opinion
POL 548 Civic Participation and Democracy
POL 516 Experiments in Political Science

Politics of the United States Congress

POL 201 Introduction to American National Government
POL 314 Legislative Processes
POL 334 Campaigns
POL 352 Political Parties
POL 353 Interest Groups and Lobbying

Elections and Voting in the United States:

POL 201 Introduction to American National Government
POL 334 Campaigns
POL 529 Conducting U.S. Elections
POL 351 Public Opinion
POL 548 Civic Participation and Democracy

For information on other political science cognates, please visit the People and Society Cognate Search Engine